
Which term refers to the type of corruption that often is

1. Individuals who say their unethical actions were justified because nobody got hurt are using the responsibility-neutralizing technique called A. denial of responsibility.
B. denial of the victim.
C. appeal to higher loyalty.
D. denial of injury.

2. Which of the following is universally agreed upon as part of a police officer's domain? A. Discretion
B. Acceptance of gratuities
C. Differential treatment of special groups
D. Leadership

3. The most scholarly viewpoint on how criminal justice professionals learn ethical and unethical behavior is the _______ approach.
A. differential
B. values-added
C. rational-choice
D. values-learned

4. Police deviance, including unethical behavior, can be perpetuated by
A. low managerial supervision of line officers.
B. cadet training.
C. partner oversight.
D. micromanagement.

5. The _______ system was a politician-centered system of policing.
A. progressive
B. community-policing
C. Peelian
D. alderman

6. The tendency to rationalize one's behavior, avoid pain, gain rewards, and weigh risks and benefits while learning unethical behavior is explained by the _______ theory.
A. values-learned
B. rational-choice
C. noble-cause
D. legitimacy

7. The Wickersham Commission was established by President
A. Nixon.
B. Hoover.
C. Eisenhower.
D. Kennedy.

8. Who sometimes acts as an adversary to the police by exposing unethical behavior?
A. Citizens
B. Researchers
C. Media
D. Commissions

9. The _______ theory of leadership emphasizes the relationship between the leader and his or her subordinates.
A. learning
B. train
C. contingency
D. objective

10. The 1929 Wickersham Commission investigated corruption in the form of
A. political kickbacks.
B. violations of liquor prohibition.
C. bribery of senior police staff.
D. neighborhood shakedowns.

11. Which of the following statements about police officer loyalty is true?
A. Loyalty is extended in a rational way.
B. The blue curtain of secrecy is breaking down.
C. The code of silence is mostly a myth.
D. Departmental loyalty is mostly a negative factor because it leads to corruption and cover-ups.

12. _______ justice is associated with transactions in which one person feels unfairly treated
. A. Corrective
B. Commutative
C. Distributive
D. Natural

13. Which of the following is an element of community policing?
A. Maintaining an anonymous relationship with the community
B. Moving decision-making and discretion upward to office supervisors
C. Encouraging citizens to help in preventing and solving crimes
D. Focusing on emergency response

14. If an officer is found negligent, his or her supervisor can be sued in civil court. This is called
A. criminal culpability.
B. vicarious liability.
C. ethical liability.
D. guilt by association.

15. When a Court finds that a supervisor failed to discipline an officer's negligent conduct it leaves the supervisor open to be sued based on
A. vicarious liability.
B. civil liability.
C. supervisory liability.
D. official liability.

16. The belief that criminal justice professionals don't learn ethics on the job because ethics are rooted in early learning is the _______ perspective.
A. predetermined
B. values-learned
C. rational choice
D. predispositional

17. A primary objective of a criminal justice leader is to ensure line officers
A. maintain friendships with those in power and wealth.
B. make arrests and oversee communities.
C. teach less experienced officers the subculture of the police force.
D. act professionally and ethically at all times.

18. The watchman style of policing evolved due to
A. the Gold Rush of 1849.
B. the Boston Tea Party.
C. urbanization.
D. railroad construction.

19. With the passage of _______, community police departments were allocated money by Congress.
A. Alternative Policing Strategy
B. Neighborhood Watch
C. the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994
D. the President's Crime Commission of 1965

20. Which term refers to the type of corruption that often is committed by police officers who care too much or seek good ends?
A. The legitimacy cause
B. The tower metaphor
C. Unethical behavior
D. The noble cause

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Dissertation: Which term refers to the type of corruption that often is
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