
Which system do you think is more effective and why also do

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Question- The "adversary system" is the fundamental concept behind American jurisprudence. It is assumed by our system that when you have 2 people on opposite sides who are trying to win, the party that has the truth on its side will ultimately prevail. Of course, as we all know, it doesn't always work that way; but that's our system.

Many Continental European systems use the "civil law" method. Under that system, all the lawyers in the case are responsible to help in the "search for the truth." If one lawyer has information that would help the other side or comes to agree with the other side's view, he or she has the right and/or duty to say so.

Part 1- Which system do you think is more effective and why? Also, do you see any constitutional problems with applying the civil law system to the U.S.?

Part 2- Find at least one case in which the limits of the adversary system were discussed or tested and how the court resolved it..

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Other Subject: Which system do you think is more effective and why also do
Reference No:- TGS0967196

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