Question 1
Which Supreme Court decision resulted in the requirement that arrested persons be read their rights?
1) Miranda v. Arizona
2) Escobedo v. Illinois
3) Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
4) Roe v. Wade
Question 2
Compliance with _____ law is mostly voluntary.
1) judicial
2) international
3) natural
4) constitutional
Question 3
Which European state began with a semi-presidential system, but has slipped into an authoritarian system with a strong president and nearly powerless parliament?
1) UK
2) Germany
3) France
4) Russia
Question 4
True or false: A presidential system's legislature is elected independent of the executive?
1) True
2) False
Question 5
Which Supreme Court decision effectively legalized abortion?
1) Miranda v. Arizona
2) Escobedo v. Illinois
3) Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
4) Roe v. Wade
Question 6
Which of type of law relies on reciprocity and consistency?
1) Judicia
l 2) International
3) Natural
4) Constitutional
Question 7
Which European state has two houses of parliament, but only one which wields any power, and said power-wielding parliament appoints a Prime Minister? The Prime Minister is formally invited to lead the largest party by the monarch.
1) UK
2) Germany
3) France
4) Russia
Question 8
Which of the following European states did not have judicial review for statutes until it adopted the European Convention on Human rights in 2000?
1) UK
2) Germany
3) France
4) Russia
Question 9
The state of Colorado possesses which legislative features that are unavailable to the United States Congress?
1) Initiatives
2) Referenda
3) Both A & B
4) None of the above
Question 10
Which European state features a semi-presidential system with the possibility of co-habitation with an opposing Prime Minister?
1) UK
2) Germany
3) France
4) Russia
Question 11
Common law is a characteristic of which state?
1) France
2) United States
3) Germany
4) Russia
Question 12
Which of the following chief elected officials may face impeachment from the legislature?
1) Presidents
2) Prime Ministers
3) Chancellors
4) Monarchs
Question 13
Which European state features a chancellor and a "constructive no confidence" vote that must replace an entire cabinet?
1) UK
2) Germany
3) France
4) Russia
Question 14
Which Supreme Court decision effectively ended legal racial segregation?
1) Miranda v. Arizona
2) Escobedo v. Illinois
3) Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
4) Roe v. Wade
Question 15
True or False: A presidential system's executive leader is selected by the legislature?
1) True
2) False