Which style- romanticism or realism- do you like best

Question 1: The interpersonal communication principle that I thought was most important is communication is irreversible. I say this because I tell people all the time that once you post something or do something wrong you cannot undo it. That is what I tell my children when I tell them that trouble is easy to get into but hard to get out of.  I value this principle because it encourages thoughtfulness and responsibility in my interactions, ensuring I don't say something in haste or frustration that could cause harm.

Communication is complicated would probably be the one I struggle with over all of the other principles. I find it hard sometimes to just apologize and admit when I am wrong. I know that there are things that I can do to change like do more listening than talking and asking questions instead of assuming when I do not understand things. The biggest thing would be not to take things the wrong way.

Question 2: Which style- Romanticism or Realism- do you like best? Explain why you prefer your choice instead of the other style.  See examples from the text to support your discussion and explain your choice. Use at least two fully identified examples from Chapter 27 to support your discussion.  You may choose a work of sculpture, painting, or architecture, but you must make sure you explain your choice. Support your discussion with fully identified visual evidence (images).  Make sure that the images are inserted in your response. Images should be visible in the post and not need to be downloaded!

Question 3: Which style- Impressionism, Symbolism, or Art Nouveau- do you like best? Explain why you prefer your choice instead of the other style.  Use at least two fully identified examples.  You may choose a work of sculpture, painting, or architecture, but you must make sure you explain your choice. Support your discussion with fully identified visual evidence (images). Make sure that the images are inserted in your response. Images should be visible in the post and not need to be downloaded!

Question 4: How did the rise of Christianity change art? What is the early Christian style, and how does artwork created in this style communicate the beliefs and practices of this faith? Use at least two fully identified examples from Chapter 7 to support your discussion. Support your discussion with fully identified visual evidence (images).  Make sure that the images are inserted in your response. Images should be visible in the post and not need to be downloaded!

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Other Subject: Which style- romanticism or realism- do you like best
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