
Which step in the marketing process you find interesting


Set a clear goal for the marketing campaign: a clear vision of what is to be achieved at the end of this process.
Discussion post, 250-300 words. No format dont need sources. It is just a discussion.

Question:Which step in the marketing process do you find the most interesting? Why? In your post and in responding to your peers, elaborate on the importance of following a process in marketing. How does the implementation of a marketing process benefit the organization, as opposed to simply implementing advertising ideas?

? • Objectives are smaller, specifc targets that must be reached along the path to achieving the ultimate goal.

? The strategy refers to the generalized marketing approach that is best suited for achieving the stated goal. It should provide overall direction for the initiative, ft the available resources, minimize any potential resistance, resonate with the appropriate target audience, and ultimately frame the process for accomplishing the goals of the marketing initiative (Thomas & Calhoun, 2007).

? In the last stage before implementation, the materials must be developed and organized. Possible materials include the following:

? - Brochures

? - Pamphlets

? - Signs

? - Informational materials - Poster boards

? Finally, implementation of the marketing plan is achieved. Careful measurement of the successes and/or failures of the process is ultimately an important fnal step.

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Marketing Management: Which step in the marketing process you find interesting
Reference No:- TGS01755916

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