Critics of juvenile courts have called for their abolition. They claim that juveniles are treated harshly and not afforded full constitutional protection, which in their view is a violation of youth's rights. Opponents of abolition counter that although the juvenile court system needs some reforms, ?xing it is better than dispensing with it entirely. Opponents argue that abolishing these courts would do away with the important rehabilitative, service-based approach and lead to a system in which juveniles are simply punished with no additional efforts to help address their needs and problems. They also point to the fact that for serious and violent crime, juveniles can be waived to adult court in which they will enjoy their full constitutional protections.
a) Analyze the bene?ts and drawbacks to abolishing the juvenile courts and, conversely, to continue to handle juvenile Iawbreakers n a separate court system dedicated to them.
b) Which side of this debate do you think makes more sense? Why?