
Which showed a strong intent to return

Acknowledgement and employee recognition is vital for Project Managers to master worldwide. In session 5, you read about the AEIOU Model of communications management within the Engleberg & Wynn textbook. Based on the scenario with Disney employees described in the paragraph below, how could verbalizing the A-E-I-O-U aide PMs in mastering effective employee communications & recognition styles of dialogue? Please answer in three full paragraphs, stressing the O (outcomes) in the AEIOU model.

"Measuring the direct impact [effective communications has] on profitability is difficult because it is only one of many factors influencing employees in every workplace. However, research studies make a persuasive case that bottom line benefits have been achieved through employee recognition. The Walt Disney World Resort established an employee recognition program that resulted in a 15% increase in staff satisfaction with their day-to-day recognition by their immediate supervisors. These results correlated highly with high guest-satisfaction scores, which showed a strong intent to return, and therefore directly flowed to increased profitability."

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