Which sector do you think was positively impact immediately

Discussion Post

• Which sector do you think was negatively impacted immediately after strong Covid-19 restrictions were implemented in the US and around the globe? And Why (be analytical with concrete examples)?

• Which sector do you think was positively impacted immediately after strong Covid-19 restrictions were implemented in the US and around the globe? And Why (be analytical with concrete examples)

• Which sector do you think had no impact immediately after string Covid-19 restrictions were implemented in the US and around the globe? And Why (be analytical with concrete examples)

List of Sectors

a) Energy
b) Materials
c) Industrials
d) Utilities
e) Healthcare
f) Financials
g) Consumer Discretionary
h) Consumer Staples
i) Information Technology
j) Communication Services
k) Real Estate.

The response should include a reference list. One-inch margins, Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: Which sector do you think was positively impact immediately
Reference No:- TGS03146146

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