
Which quantitative or qualitative manpower forecasting

Case Study: Gauging Employment at Honeywell.

1. How does the use of HR forecasting reflect Honeywell?s strategy and culture?

2. Which quantitative or qualitative manpower forecasting method do you believe Honeywell used to decide to move forward with furloughs rather than layoffs? Explain.

3. What options did Honeywell use to overcome the projected labor surplus during the recession? Were there other available options?

4. Compared to layoffs, do you expect the impact of furloughs to be higher on the turnover rate or lower? Explain your reasoning.

5. How might job analysis and job design minimize the impact of furloughs on organizational performance and productivity? How does hoteling fit into this scenario?

6. How could CEO Cote use trend/ratio/regression analysis to support his contention that most Honeywell managers overestimated their savings and underestimated how disruptive layoffs would be to the firm?s operations?

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Operation Management: Which quantitative or qualitative manpower forecasting
Reference No:- TGS02481974

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