General Mills normally prices Cheerios at $4.69 for an 18 ounce box at Safeway. The Cheerios cost General Mills $1.00 per box to make, and they normally sell them to Safeway for $3.29. Two Cheerios promotions are run at Safeway:
- One promotion is a straight discount to $2.99 per box.
- The second Promotion is: Buy 2 Boxes for $7
- In a normal week they sell 100 boxes of Cheerios
- The first promotion sells 150 incremental units
- The second promotion sells 130 incremental units.
- General Mills pays the retailer 90% of the amount of the discount to reduce Cheerios to the promoted price.
- Which Promotion is the best promotion for General Mills and which is the best for Safeway?
- Explain why? Based on what metrics?
- In the ideal world, what other data would you want to make a good decision on promotion effectiveness?