
Which program outcomes do you think are the most and least

Program, Courses, and Professional Goals in the Psychology Field: Your Degree Plan

Multiple jobs in the psychology field can be found on O Net:


You explored this site as your Unit Reading, and now based on your findings, pick one of the jobs that is of particular interest to you and discuss each of the following issues  and why you think you could be well matched to this profession:

Education/Licensure requirement (License or Certification or Registered -- some states use different language for license)

Tasks, Tools, and Technology

Knowledge, Skills, Abilities

Work Activities and Context

Wages and Employment Trends, State and National Availability

Please do NOT merely cut and paste information from the website - that is considered plagiarism (refer to our U2 seminar for information). Instead, read the information and paraphrase it

(see this link for more information on paraphrasing:

https://kucampus.kaplan.edu/DocumentStore/Docs11/pdf/WC/12_Paraphrasing.pdf ).

Also, please make sure to include a credit to your source, ideally through an in-text citation and end of post reference (again, refer to the U2 seminar for information).

And, it would be helpful for your readers if you used Headings in your answer - 1 heading for each of the main questions. So, please separate the different parts of your answer. This also helps you ensure that you have covered all the information.

Question 2

Respond to the following question:

Read the program outcomes listed under Reading.

Which program outcomes do you think are the most and least important for the particular job(s) in the psychology field that you are considering? Explain. Make sure to state the specific psychology job you're interested in (Yes, most outcomes are important, so choosing one that is less important may be challenging -- but please make sure to answer that part of the question)

Please remember to include credits to your sources..  Points will be deducted starting this week if you forget to include a credit to your source!!

Program Outcomes

General Education Literacy Outcomes

1. Communications: Demonstrate college-level communication through a variety of media.

2. Mathematics: Apply quantitative reasoning to real-world situations.

3. Science: Analyze how scientific principles are applied in real-world contexts.

4. Social Science: Critically evaluate the social or psychological issues that impact human behavior.

5. Arts and Humanities: Recognize human potential through a study of human expressions.

6. Research and Information: Apply methods for finding, evaluating, and using resources.

7. Ethics: Identify, apply, and evaluate ethical reasoning.

8. Critical Thinking: Apply critical thinking to real-life situations.

9. Technology Literacy: Use information technology to solve real-world problems and communicate effectively.

Discipline-Specific Outcomes

1. Knowledge Base: Demonstrate knowledge of the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, enduring conflicts, empirical findings, and historical trends in psychology.

2. Research Methods: Apply basic methodology in psychology, including research design, data analysis, and the interpretation and evaluation of findings.

3. Critical Thinking Skills: Use analytical thinking, skeptical inquiry, and the scientific approach in solving problems related to behavior and mental processes.

4. Application: Apply the appropriate psychological principles, theories, and concepts to personal, social, and organizational issues and problems.

5. Values in Psychology: Demonstrate an understanding of the underlying ethical standards, values, and considerations in theory and practice in the disciplines of psychology.

6. Information and Technological Skills: Use contemporary tools and technologies to communicate psychological principles and concepts effectively in diverse social and professional settings.

7. Global Awareness: Demonstrate an understanding of how academic and applied psychology can improve interpersonal relationships across cultural and national boundaries.

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Dissertation: Which program outcomes do you think are the most and least
Reference No:- TGS02152685

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