Which poem did you enjoy more


Write a 750 words essay of 5 to 7 paragraphs that compare and/or contrast the following poems: "Daystar" by Rita Dove and "ELENA" by Pat Mora.

Consider these questions: Who are the speakers in these two poems? What is the tone (or attitude of the speakers toward their subject or even toward themselves, or you, their readers)? In what ways are the poems similar? In what ways are they different? Do the poems rely on sound devices like rhyme or alliteration? Do they use figurative language like metaphors or personification? How effectively do the poets use sound or meaning devices in these poems? What is the poet saying about an issue in the poem? How effectively do the poets get across their poems' perspectives on an issue? Which poem did you enjoy more?

First, do some thinking about the questions above. You will probably NOT include answers to all these questions in your essay-focus on the most interesting or important similarities and/or differences. You may choose to focus on just similarities or similarities and differences. Be sure the poems have enough in common to justify a comparison/contrast essay. After some pre-writing, write a one-sentence thesis statement, and your main point about the poems. Decide on a method of organizing the supporting ideas. The essay will need to include direct quotations of words and lines in the poems to support your opinions.

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