Answer in one word or sentence:
1. Which plant group is known as amphibian in the Plant Kingdom?
2. Name the two types of bryophytes.
3. On what basis algae are further classified?
4. Give one word for the following:
i. Plants with hidden reproductive organs
ii. Hair-like outgrowth of bryophytes
iii. Plants with true roots, stems, leaves and a well-developed vascular system
iv. Plant body of thallophyta
5. What are pyrenoids?
6. How are the phanerogams divided?
7. Name two groups of angiosperms.
8. Give one difference between gymnosperms and angiosperms.
9. What are cotyledons?
10. Name the group of plants that has well differentiated reproductive tissues and form seeds.
Answer the following:
1. What are thallophytes? Provide examples
2. What do you understand by gametophytic phase and sporophytic phase?
3. Mention different baselines, on which plants are classified in Plant Kingdom.
4. Give at least two examples of each:
i. red algae
ii. brown algae
iii. green algae
5. Differentiate between thallophyta, bryophyta and pteridophyta.