
Which planet is sea blue in color

Planet Scavenger Hunt
Using a computer (or other resource), fill in the chart below. Then, find the answers to each of the following questions as quickly as you can. We will discuss your results in class.
Scavenger Hunt Facts
1. Which planet would float on water in a giant bathtub?
2. The size of our moon is ________________ miles in diameter. Which planet is the closest in size (diameter) to our moon?
3. Which planet is the hottest? The coldest?
4. Which planet has the shortest day (rotation)? The longest day?
5. Which planet has the longest year (revolution around the sun)?
6. Which planet has the shortest year?
7. Which planet has the most moons?
8. Which planet is home to the solar system's largest volcano?
9. Which planet spins "on its side?"
10. Which former planet has actually been demoted recently?
11. What classification is the former planet now given?
12. What are Saturn's rings composed of?
13. Which planet is home to the "Great Red Spot?"
What exactly is this red spot?
14. What are the two main classifications for planets?
Identify which planets belong in each of these categories.
15. Which planet is the closest to the sun?
16. Which planet has clouds composed of sulfuric acid?
17. Which planet is sea blue in color?
18. Which planet is the largest? The smallest?
19. There are two planets that have ice covering both of their poles. Which ones are they?
20. Which planet is red in color when viewed from Earth-based telescopes?
21. Which planet has a day length that is actually longer than its year?

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