1. Which philosophy would be the most likely to emphasize that there are different ethics in different cultures?
A) Universalism
B) Pragmatism
C) Relativism
D) Egoism
E) Utilitarianism
2. YouChuse is on online business that allows people to upload their original artwork to be imprinted on cards and calendars, which are then offered for sale. What e-commerce model is YouChuse most likely using?
A) Transaction fee
B) Intermediary
C) Advertising support
D) Affiliate
E) Subscription
3. calculate turnover and analyze the variables involved. Also identify any other data that might be relevant. Discuss how you would reduce the turnover.
Position: machine operator
Number of employees: 250
Number of turnovers: 85
Average wage $15.00/hour
Cost of benefits 35% of payroll