Assignment task:
"Consider this CERCLA problem: In 1940, Landowner C owns Parcel 1 and knows that previous owners Landowner A and Landowner B buried drums of hazardous substances on the property (which was perfectly legal at the time). However, Landowner C herself handles no hazardous waste during her ownership and does nothing to disturb the drums. Nevertheless, the drums were cheaply made and in 1960 the drums, which had been corroding through natural processes, begin to leak hazardous wastes into the soil. Unaware of the problem, Landowner C sells Parcel 1 to Landowner D in 1965. During Landowner D's ownership, hazardous wastes continue to flow out of the drums into the soil, draining the drums, so that by the time Landowner D sells Parcel 1 to Landowner E (who knows nothing about the problem) in 1972, the drums themselves are completely empty. Nevertheless, during Landowner E's ownership, the hazardous wastes continue to migrate through the soil to groundwater, which they reach in 1978. Landowner E sells Parcel 1 to Landowner F in 1979, and the groundwater and soil contamination are finally discovered in 1985, after CERCLA has taken effect. Which past owners are liable under CERCLA section 107(a)(2) in the Second