
Which part of the department of justice protects the public

1. Which part of the Department of Justice protects the public from being charged excess fees based on one's race?

A.Civil Rights Division.

B.Consumer Product Safety Commission.

CFederal Trade Commission.

D.Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

2. According to a recent survey, what percentage of firms would terminate a supplier if serious violations were found?

A.26 percent.

B.97 percent.

C.48 percent.

D.7 percent

3. The corporate reputation of distinction must be built:

A.During the firm's startup period.

B.Only after a corporate crisis.

C.Only after a major product release.

D.Over time.

4. Which of these statements accurately describe codes of conduct?

A.The adoption rate of industry-specific codes of conduct is currently decreasing.

B.Most early codes of conduct were developed by individual companies.

C.Standard-setting organizations have failed to influence industries and individual firms.

D.The costs of building common industry standards have become prohibitive.

5. Which of these statements is true regarding the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005?

A.Lawyers were restricted from shopping for friendly venues to try interstate cases.

B.Excessive attorney compensation was limited.

C.The burden of proof was shifted to government.

D.Both A and B, but not C.

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Operation Management: Which part of the department of justice protects the public
Reference No:- TGS02874316

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