
Which one of the following statements is correct concerning

1. Which one of the following statements is correct concerning ahydraulic lift?

a. In a hydraulic lift, a small forceapplied to a small piston results in a large force applied to alarge piston.
b. In ahydraulic lift, a small pressure acting on a small piston resultsin a large pressure acting on a large piston.
c. In a hydraulic lift, more work is done by thelarge piston than is done on the small piston.

2. Which one of the following statements is correct concerning thevariation of pressure with depth in a static fluid?

a. The pressure in the fluid decreases asdepth below the surface increases.
b. The pressure in the fluid increases as depth belowthe surface increases.
c. There is no dependence ofpressure on depth.

3. A measurement of blood pressure is typically given as tworeadings: the systolic pressure and the diastolic pressure. Whichpressure is greater?

a. The systolic pressure is greater thanthe diastolic pressure.
b. The diastolic pressure isgreater than the systolic pressure.

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Physics: Which one of the following statements is correct concerning
Reference No:- TGS0822032

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