
Which one of the following statements about an i message is


Question 1

Most human behavior is learned from:

A. rewards as a result of correct behavior.
B. observing the models of others.
C. direct instruction.
D. quality children's literature.

Question 2

Mrs. Day knew that the director planned to visit her class that afternoon. During morning centers, Madeline broke the painting easel at the same time Darian accidentally ripped a favorite book. Mrs. Day was frustrated and spoke loudly to both children. It would be best for Mrs. Day to:

A. stop center time and discuss with the whole group the importance of caring for classroom materials.
B. send Madeline and Darian to a time out area.
C. get counseling.
D. apologize to the students.

Question 3

Which is NOT an effective "I message"?

A. "I am proud of you."
B. "Thank you."
C. "That hurts!"
D. "I am concerned that the floor is getting wet at the water table and someone might slip."

Question 4

When an adult is focusing on really listening to a child, they should remember to try limiting their talking, and:

A. practice passive and reflective listening.
B. be patient.
C. practice passive and respectful listening.
D. give solutions.

Question 5

Anger is often a secondary emotion to:

A. fear.
B. hurt.
C. embarrassment.
D. All of the above
Question 6

Mrs. Monroe, the crossing guard, is helping children cross the street. Spencer runs ahead of the group instead of waiting for the walk signal from Mrs. Monroe. Frantic, Mrs. Monroe yells at Spencer, "You are not paying attention today Spencer!" Which one of the following is a positive "I message" Mrs. Monroe could have used instead?

A. I feel angry when you do that to me!
B. I feel scared when you do that because you could be hit by a car!
C. I feel I need to tell your parents about your misbehavior today.
D. I feel so proud of everyone else who waited for the walk signal.

Question 7

In the ABCD version of negotiation, the B stands for:

A. be a part of the solution.
B. bridge the gap between the conflict and a resolution.
C. brainstorm solutions.
D. begin to see the other person's side.

Question 8

The reason we help children resolve conflicts themselves is to help them become:

A. immune to conflicts.
B. brainstorming experts.
C. independent problem solvers.
D. children who do not argue.

Question 9

"I messages" are effective because:

A. they never criticize or blame someone.
B. they take less time than a lecture.
C. they completely solve all conflicts.
D. they teach children to obey adults.

Question 10

"Solution messages" ultimately damage:

A. intelligence.
B. self-esteem.
C. communication.
D. creativity.

Question 11

In Mrs. Green's preschool room, there is a child named Kelsey. Kelsey often comes to school in dirty clothes and does not bathe often. Mrs. Green wants to encourage the class to be accepting and include Kelsey regardless of her appearance. What is the best way to do this?

A. Request that someone be Kelsey's buddy at all times.
B. Do nothing, because the children will accept Kelsey without adult interventions.
C. Send Kelsey to the clinic for clean clothes.
D. Treat Kelsey kindly and encourage other children to do the same.

Question 12

Constantly being told what to do and how to do it communicates __________ to the person.

A. disrespect
B. intolerance
C. dislike
D. self doubt

Question 13

Which one of the following statements is NOT considered a "roadblock to communication"?

A. "You're okay. There's no reason to cry."
B. "Stop acting like a baby!"
C. "You are such a good boy!"
D. "What do you think we should do?"

Question 14

It is important for a child to be able to identify with a role model. Therefore, the best role model for a five-year-old boy would be:

A. a female teacher.
B. another five-year-old boy.
C. a dad who is a room volunteer.
D. a fifth grade female peer counselor.

Question 15

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no electronic media before:

A. bed.
B. school.
C. age two.
D. age five.

Question 16

The steps to helping children resolve a problem are identifying the problem, brainstorming solutions, evaluating and choosing a solution, implementing the plan, and:

A. fixing the problem.
B. keeping everyone happy.
C. responding to the choices.
D. evaluating the plan.

Question 17

Children often have unpleasant emotions such as disappointment, jealousy, or sadness. It is important for teachers to help children learn from these emotions by:

A. ignoring the emotions.
B. acknowledging the emotions.
C. giving the child a pass to the counselor.
D. making the child feel better with a sticker.

Question 18

Which one of the following statements about an "I message" is true?

A. An "I message" keeps an argument from happening.
B. An "I message" keeps the problem from coming back.
C. An "I message" states how you are feeling.
D. An "I message" tells you how to solve a problem.

Question 19

When Mr. White tells Colby to just ignore Brandon when he jumps over Colby's block tower, Mr. White is sending Colby a/an __________ instead of allowing the boys to solve the problem themselves.

A. "I message"
B. conflicting message
C. developmental message
D. solution message

Question 20

One of the easiest ways for teachers to promote trusting relationships with their students is to:

A. ask about situations and people that are important to the child.
B. keep their promises.
C. go on home visits to see the parents and child in a neutral setting.
D. allow students to brainstorm the rules they feel are important in the classroom.

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Business Management: Which one of the following statements about an i message is
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