
Which one of the following influences a persons value

Statistical Analysis

Question 1

Abilities tend to be:

A. stable over an extended period of time.
B. related to culture.
C. based on values.
D. related to leadership.

Question 2

Individual difference characteristics affect a person's behavior most when:

A. the situation provides clear guidelines.
B. the situation is loosely structured.
C. the person is strong willed.
D. the person is flexible.

Question 3

Which one of the following influences a person's value system?

A. abilities
B. skills
C. leadership
D. culture

Question 4

Which one of the following have been found to be relatively universal values?

A. Individuality and individual dignity
B. Personal achievement and performance
C. Fairness and honesty
D. Desire for recognition and rewards

Question 5

Older generations in Western Europe and the U.S. tend to __________ than younger generation.

A. bemore suspicioius of authoriy
B. have a stronger sense of cultural superiority
C. be more independent
D. be more tied to their parents and family members

Question 6

A __________ view of ethics suggests that what is right or wrong depends on the situation.

A. universalist
B. contingency
C. relativist
D. cultural

Question 7

United States laws forbid business people to bribe others even in cultures where bribery is expected or necessary. This approach to ethics reflects a __________ view of ethics.

A. universalist
B. contingency
C. relativist
D. cultural

Question 8

Marta has just been appointed to a top level executive position in her company. Which of the following leadership skills is she most likely to need and use?

A. technical
B. interpersonal
C. conceptual
D. organizational

Question 9

Which of the Big Five personality dimensions is most strongly correlated to job performance?

A. concientiousness
B. emotional intelligence
C. openness to experience
D. agreeableness

Question 10

__________ is the Big Five personality dimension that is important in jobs such as management that require social interaction.

A. Emotional intelligence
B. Extraversion
C. Openness to experience
D. Agreeableness

Question 11

Locus of control is an indicator of:

A. how much control a person needs.
B. how much contril a person feels he/she has.
C. the control level of leaders.
D. control available in the situation.

Question 12

Which of the following best describe Type As?

A. Type As are strategic thinkers who are proactive.
B. Type As try to do more in less time.
C. Type As are willing to cut corners to achieve their goals.
D. Type As are good at persuading others.

Question 13

The leader's power increases when employees:

A. are motivated.
B. comply with her decisions.
C. do not resist a decision.
D. are committed to her decisions.

Question 14

Research about the effect of power distribution suggests that:

A. centralized power allows organizations to perform well.
B. concentrated power can be detrimental to performance.
C. leaders often give up their power willingly.
D. power sharing works well in most cultures.

Question 15

Individuals with __________ power can influence others because they are liked and respected.

A. legitimate
B. referent
C. informational
D. reward

Question 16

__________ is one of the influence tactics that rely on all sources of personal power.

A. Pressure
B. Personal appeal
C. Consultation
D. Rational persuasion

Question 17

The concept of __________ suggests that teams gain power based on their ability to remove obstacles for others.

A. strategic contingencies
B. shared power
C. empowerment
D. coalition building

Question 18

A team leader focuses on assuring that his team members have the latest expertise not available elsewhere in the organization. He is using which organizational source of power to assure that his team has power?

A. centrality
B. organicity
C. substitutability
D. coalition building

Question 19

The key organizational factor in abuse of power is:

A. a decentralized structure.
B. the organizational culture.
C. the leadership succession plan.
D. the training and development plan.

Question 20

The underlying theme of empowerment is:

A. delegating all power to employees.
B. sharing power with those who need it to perform their job.
C. setting goals that everyone can achieve easily.
D. centralizing decision making in the team.

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Basic Statistics: Which one of the following influences a persons value
Reference No:- TGS01393833

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