The three articles present a number of classifications, or typologies, of research, showing both the heterogeneity of research and of the way it can be explained by scientific observers. Which one of these classifications/typologies do you see as most suitable for your own understanding of research? Argue for the relative merits of one of the six listed below, and when you do so, relate to at least two of the other classifications/typologies.
• Burrell & Morgan's (1979) paradigms, in Brand (2008)
• Guba & Lincoln's (1994) paradigms, in Brand (2008)
• Crotty's (1998) typology, in Brand (2008)
• Brand's (2008) summary of paradigms
• Marsh and Furlong's (2002) positivist, realist and interpretist positions
• Yilmaz' (2013) quantitative vs. qualitative research traditions.