Which offers workers better opportunity to better themselves

Discussion Post A: Horizontal vs. Vertical Integration

o First, name a company the practices horizontal integration. Describe the structure. Now do the same for a company vertically integrated. In your opinion, which is better to work for? Which offers workers a better opportunity to better themselves?

o Now, if you owned the business, which would you implement? Think again about the workers' opportunities. Does their betterment also mean what's best for your business?

Discussion Post B: Labor Negotiations Agenda

o According to our text, non-economic or non-wage negotiating issues are ordinarily tackled first during a Labor Contract Negotiations with wage and benefit issues settled as a package near the end of the negotiations process. This is typical of almost any kind of negotiations.

o When purchasing a car, buyers typically insist on making certain that the car they are considering meets all their needs before settling on a price. In labor negotiations, what are the advantages and disadvantages of starting with the non-economic issues first for the company and the union?

The response should include a reference list. Using double-space, Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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HR Management: Which offers workers better opportunity to better themselves
Reference No:- TGS03077351

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