
Which of the two sets of institutions has done a better job

A) To a greater degree than the president or Congress, the U.S. federal courts and bureaucracy face an important dilemma: they need the
authority to accomplish their duties but also need to be held accountable for their actions.

(After all, authority + accountability = legitimacy.)

Why is it more difficult for the judiciary and bureaucracy to balance these two objectives? How well have they managed to do so?

Which of the two sets of institutions has done a better job? Would the balancing act be easier in a parliamentary system?

B) Imagine that through some miracle of time travel, you find yourself face to face with James Madison for half an hour. He asks, "How hath things been going?," and you know that it is the state of the American political system that is on his mind.

What developments in American politics since his departure from the earthly scene would most please him? Which ones would most shock and upset him?

Be sure to include consideration of the three branches of government in your answer. Would Madison think that Canada has fared better?

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Dissertation: Which of the two sets of institutions has done a better job
Reference No:- TGS02439477

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