The recent invasion of Ukraine has companies rethinking their Russia strategy. Sanctions, political, and public pressure have stopped several Western companies. Apple, Samsung, and Sony limited services. Russian stores have also shuttered. Disney, Sony, and Warner Bros. have stopped distributing movies in Russia. Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and PayPal have limited offerings, affecting finance. Both domestic and foreign cards won't works, damaging the travel industry. Burger King, McDonalds, Coca Cola, and Heineken ceased business in Russia. Shareholders halted operations to defy the invasion, and Russia's earnings were deemed intolerable.
Social and Cultural Environments
A. With social and cultural environments considered, which of the two do you think had the more substantial impact on these organizations' decision-making process when pulling out of Russian markets? Political Culture
B. If there is a shift in political culture in Russia, how do you think these foreign brands will reintegrate back into the Russian market? Will it be smooth and successful, or will it be difficult due to the motivations to pull out of this country and the economic consequences the country has suffered because of these actions?