
Which of the three primary schools of ethics is operating

1. Question : A decision by the commanding officer (CO) to follow rules and procedures in this situation would be what kind of ethics?

Objectivist ethics of self-interest
A deficiency of the virtue of courage

2. Question : Which of the three primary schools of ethics is operating when the commanding officer (CO) decides for medical evacuation of the injured sailor in order to aid the most possible?

Care based
Ends based
Virtue based
Conscience driven

3. Question : If the CO had been influenced by studying Thomas Aquinas, his decision making would be influenced by what factor?

His conscience
His strength of personality
His desire to succeed through successful outcomes
His repentance
His leadership skills

4. Question : What virtue is not shown if the CO shows unwillingness to contact the carrier air group commander about the welfare of his sailor because of fear?

The virtue of courage

5. Question :  For the CO to make a decision in accordance with the categorical imperative indicates that he has been reading what ethicist?

Jeremy Bentham
Immanuel Kant
John Locke
St. Augustine

6. Question : A voice in one's head telling one what the right thing to do is

Aristotle's Virtues of the Mean.
An act of conscience.
Calculated acceptance of unavoidable consequences.
Being driven by personal self-interest and ambition.
Ends-based thinking of the Three Primary Schools of Ethics

7. Question : To ask, "What is the best possible outcome for my whole ship" is to apply what kind of ethics?

Social contract
Deontological ethics
Being caught in a dilemma
Ethics of the mean

8. Question :To think, "What can this do for my reputation when I come up for selection as admiral," is an example of what kind of ethics?

Immanuel Kant's categorical imperative.
John Locke's social contract.
Ayn Rand's objectivism.
Augustine's doctrine of sin.
A social contract with the crew.

9. Question :To speculate about "what would the crew want to happen now" engages the CO in what ethics?

Utilitarian ethics
The virtue of compassion
Kant's categorical imperative, second formulation
Concern for his vulnerability to sin
Deontological ethics

10. Question :If the CO were to take a care-based approach to this emergency situation, what would he do?

He would try to sympathize with the sailor and feel his pain.
He would try to figure out what he would want if he were the sailor and had suffered the injury.
He would contact the injured sailor's family at home.
He would follow the published instructions for this kind of emergency
He would get the carrier air group commander to send the helicopter, even after dark.

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Other Subject: Which of the three primary schools of ethics is operating
Reference No:- TGS02223845

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