Question 1: For this problem, check all that apply.
Which of the subsequent five choices is/are specified as part of an Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)?
- Bit-level encoding of instructions
- The function units and data paths between them
- The precise execution time taken by each type of instruction
- The maximum power that can be consumed by the processor
- The type of basic gate used (e.g., NAND vs NOR) to implement it
Question 2: For this problem, check all that apply.
Which of the subsequent statements about how computer technology has been changing over the last few decades is/are true?
- Processors have been getting simpler.
- Main memory access time has been decreasing.
- Cost per byte of disk memory has been decreasing.
- Power consumption per transistor has been decreasing.
- The complexity of circuitry that fits on a single chip has been increasing.
Question 3: For this problem, Ensure all that apply. Which of the given abstraction levels is/are directly tied to the Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)?
- Assembly Language
- Operating System (OS)
- High-Level Language (HLL)
- Logic design at the module level
- Semiconductor/VLSI fabrication