Which of the given statements are correct and incorrect

A representative volume element dxdydz of a uniformly doped n-type silicon crystal contains 100 substitutional phosphorus donors distributed on the superlattice so there is no local fluctuation of positions. Which of the following statements are correct and incorrect/ Give the fundamental reasons.

(a) fD is the fraction of the 100 donors each with one trapped electron.

(b) fD is the fraction of neutral donors.

(c) 1-fD is the fraction of the 100 donors unoccupied by electron.

(d) 1-fD is the fraction of donors each with one trapped hole.

(e) 1 -fD is the fraction of Ionized donor.

(f) When EF = ED, half of the donors are neutral.

(g) When EF-ED-kTlogegD, half of the donors are ionized.

(h) When fD =1/2, the first 50 donors are each occupied by an electron.

(I) When f­­D-1/2, 50 of the 100 donors are each occupied by a spin-up electron.

(J) When fD=1/2, 50 of the 100 donors are each occupied by an electron, some have spin up and others have spin down.

(k) When fD = 1/2, about 25 donors are each occupied by a spin-up electron and the other 25, a spin-down electron.

(l) When fD = 1/4, 25 donors are each occupied by an electron and 75 donors are each occupied by a hole.

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Physics: Which of the given statements are correct and incorrect
Reference No:- TGS01723579

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