
Which of the following would be the best part of the web to

1.A writer who is prewriting by using the questioning strategy is acting like?

a. ateacher

b. a journalist.

c. a scientist.

d. a novelist.

2.what does clustering show on paper that freewriting and brainstorming do not?

a.complete sentences.

b.how ideas connect to each other.

c.sources of information.

d.the outline of their paper.

3.during prewriting, how quickly should writers brainstorm?

a.slowly and surely, cheacking as they write to make sure that words are correctly spelles.

b.as quickly as they can think of exactly the right words to express their ideas.

c. as quickly as they can write in clear, complete sentencses.

d.as quickly as possible, writing down each word or phrase as soon as it comes to mind.

4.which of the following would be the best part of the Web to explore to find intersting topics about?

a.any site with a URL ending with. edu, or gov.

b. sites that preovide basic facts on history , literature, and science.

c.only the links recommended by the instructor or class home page.

d.any site that writer enjoys visiting often.

5.what should prewriting help to a writer do?

a.wait for inspiration to strike.

b.write sample paragraphs that practice grammar skills.

c.choose a topic, purpose, and audience.

d.pick a topic that his or her instructor will like.

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