
Which of the following was not a goal included in the epas

1. The Rotterdam Convention (the PIC) requires that parties to the Convention must

A. stop their usage of all banned hazardous substances.

B. provide export notification to importing countries when a chemical is banned in the exporting country.

C. cease exporting banned pesticides to developing nations.

D. both a and c.


A. prohibits the introduction of new chemicals into the market.

B. requires that all pesticides sold in the U. S. be registered for either general or restricted use.

C. requires that all pesticides manufactured in the U. S. be registered for general or restricted use.

D. both b and c.

3. Under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act,

A. pesticides not registered by the EPA cannot be sold in the United States.

B. a pesticide which may cause harm to humans when inhaled may be registered as a restricted use pesticide, but its use may be limited to certified applicators.

C. unregistered pesticides may not be manufactured in the United States.

D. both a and b.

4. Penalties for violating FIFRA

A. are more severe for a private user than for a distributor or retailer.

B. may be more severe when the violation is a knowing one.

C. both a and b.

D. neither a nor b.

5. Companies that have large quantities of hazardous materials in their facilities must report to the EPA the amount of such chemicals, but the public cannot have access to those reports unless they can show a compelling need to have such data.



6. Citizens' groups may sue the government in federal district court for violations of SARA, but must give at least 60 days notice to the government and alleged violator of their intent to sue.



7. Which of the following was not a goal included in the EPA's 1989 national strategy for municipal solid waste management?

A. increase recycling and source reduction

B. ban construction of new landfills after the year 2000

C. improve the safety of solid waste management facilities

D. none of the above

8. Which of the following is not a requirement for a hazardous waste landfill?

A. a double liner along the bottom and sides

B. a leachate collection system above and between the liners

C. a comprehensive groundwater monitoring system

D. all of the above

9. Which of the following is not a part of the required procedure for closing a landfill?

A. financial resources must remain available to address any problems

B. capping the top of the landfill with another liner to prevent infiltration of the landfill by water

C. continued groundwater monitoring

D. none of the above

10. Which of the following groups need not be represented on local emergency response planning committees?

A. law enforcement

B. broadcast and print media

C. firefighters

D. none of the above

11. Which of the following would not be a potentially responsible party?

A. a past owner of the contaminated site

B. someone who transported materials to the site

C. someone who had produced the contaminating materials

D. none of the above

12. There is universal agreement that the world has an ever-increasing overpopulation problem, but there is disagreement over how to solve the problem.



13. Recognition of the international aspects of environmental problems is relatively new, but has been increasing over the past several decades.



14. The only ways in which the U. S. attempts to resolve environmental problems on an international basis is through treaties and the conduct and sharing of research on environmental problems.



15. A major problem with international environmental law is its lack of an adequate enforcement mechanism.



16. The International Court of Justice can decide only those cases submitted to it by the disputants.



17. The concept of sustainable development can trace its roots to Our Common Future, a publication of the world commission on economic development.



18. A primary advantage of the EC is that it gives its members more clout when negotiating a multinational treaty than any single member would have had on its own.



19. All transboundary pollution cases must be tried before the International Court of Justice.



20. Environmentalists support increased trade because with an increase in trade comes higher environmental standards worldwide.



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Operation Management: Which of the following was not a goal included in the epas
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