1. Buying or selling goods over the Internet is called:
A) e-commerce.
B) e-business.
C) an intranet.
D) an extranet.
2. You work for a highly successful advertiser that is just about to expand nationally. Of utmost importance will be finding a way to store and disseminate their client's frequently updated branding and style guides to all of their branches. The guides include multiple image files and text documents. What system will best serve these needs?
A) A wiki
B) An extranet with KMS capabilities
C) A TPS with KMS capabilities
D) A virtual meeting system
3. In a business environment, the focus of collaboration is to:
A) provide a sense of community.
B) foster better communication.
C) accomplish the task at hand.
D) prevent miscommunication.
4. Which of the following tools is not one of the 15 most important types of collaboration software tools?
A) Screen sharing
B) Video streaming
C) Video conferencing
D) E-mail and instant messaging
5. A wiki is a type of collaborative:
A) social network.
B) blogging.
C) virtual world.
D) web site.