
Which of the following theoretical orientations looks at

Question 1: With respect to intimate partner violence, the "cycle of violence" means that:

A. children who witness violence between their parents do not grow up and become batterers themselves.
B. intimate partner violence grows over the years until one partner finally kills the other.
C. a battery takes place after a tension-building phase and is followed by a period of reconciliation.
D. eventually the woman will leave or divorce the husband.

Question 2: The term intimate partner violence (IPV) includes physical episodes involving:

A. neighbors.
B. current spouse only.
C. acquaintances.
D. current and former spouses, boyfriends, and girlfriends.

Question 3: Which of the following United States Supreme Court cases banned the death penalty as an appropriate sentence in cases involving a child victim of rape?

A. Furman v.Georgia
B. Gregg v. Georgia
C. Coker v. Georgia
D. Kennedy v. Louisiana

Question 4: The "Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS)" is based on:

A. police statistics.
B. National Crime Survey reports.
C. medical insurance claims.
D. self-report data.

Question 5: Which of the following United States Supreme Court cases banned the death penalty as an appropriate sentence in cases involving an adult victim of rape?

A. Furman v. Georgia
B. Gregg v. Georgia
C. Coker v. Georgia
D. Kennedy v. Louisiana

Question 6: Which of the following was NOT true under the "older" rape statutes?

A. The husband could not be prosecuted if the accuser was his spouse.
B. Only males could be offenders.
C. Only women could be victims.
D. Husbands did not get an automatic exemption from offender status.

Question 7: Which of the following terms refers to male privilege or structured inequality that portrays women as inferior and lacking in social power compared to men?

A. Matriarchy
B. Patriarchy
C. Oligarchy
D. Sexual symmetry

Question 8: Which of the following does NOT characterize an injunction in an intimate partner violence situation?

A. It can be issued on an ex parte basis.
B. The filing fee can be waived.
C. Any violation of a protective order can constitute either a contempt of court charge or a separate criminal violation.
D. It is the same thing as a divorce.

Question 9: Which of the following takes place during the sentencing phase of a sexual battery trial?

A. Voir dire
B. A declaration by the defense about whether it intends to pursue an appeal
C. Consideration of aggravating circumstances
D. Invocation of shield provisions

Question 10: A jurisdiction that does not recognize marital rape under any condition is said to have:

A. an absolute exemption.
B. a shield law.
C. spousal inclusion.
D. consanguinity exemption.

Question 11: The "battered woman's syndrome" raised by defense lawyers in court refers to the contention that women are so traumatized that they:

A. cannot leave their mates.
B. kill their mates to prevent further abuse.
C. finally call the police to arrest their husbands.
D. file for a divorce.

Question 12: Which of the following theoretical orientations looks at the traditional roles of males and females in society - that rape is an offense of power and control - as an explanation of sexual assault?

A. Learned helplessness
B. Psychopathology
C. Sociocultural explanations
D. Nontraditional sex-role expectations

Question 13: Which of the following theoretical orientations looks at mental imbalances within the offender for an explanation of sexual assault?

A. Learned helplessness
B. Psychopathology
C. Sociocultural explanations
D. Sex-role expectations

Question 14: The castle doctrine refers to which of the following?

A. The privilege of nonretreat if one is attacked inside his or her home
B. The right to engage in mutual combat in public whenever the other party throws the first punch
C. The obligation to retreat when attacked in public
D. The obligation to stand one's ground when attacked in public

Question 15: Which of the following is NOT a type of domestic violence?

A. Physical abuse
B. Restricted access to higher education
C. Emotional abuse
D. Psychological abuse

Question 16: When a researcher tries to organize or classify observations according to what they have in common, he or she is creating:

A. an ideal type.
B. a symbol.
C. a typology.
D. a theory.

Question 17: Which of the following statements best exemplifies the idea of "learned helplessness"?

A. Victims in violent relationships report greater success over time in defusing their partner's anger.
B. Victims in violent relationships learn how to become more contrite and more successful during the reconciliation phase.
C. Victims are trying to learn how to dominate their offenders and render them helpless.
D. Isolation and financial dependence are prime ingredients involved in why victims remain with their abusers.

Question 18: When a sexual assault involves two people who know one another socially, that incident would
be classified as:

A. nonacquaintance rape.
B. anger rape.
C. impulsive rape.
D. date rape.

Question 19: Which of the following is NOT a stage in the crisis reaction repair cycle?

A. Reinstitution
B. Reorganization
C. Recoil
D. Impact

Question 20: The Minneapolis Experiment found that the best course of action for police officers to take in order to prevent another episode of intimate partner violence was:

A. have one party leave the premises for a "cooling-off" period.
B. arrest the abuser.
C. issue a warning that both spouses would be arrested if a police officer had to return to handle another incident involving the same parties.
D. counsel both parties about appropriate ways to handle disagreements in the future.

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Other Subject: Which of the following theoretical orientations looks at
Reference No:- TGS01205553

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