
Which of the following terms refers to one of the big

Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)

1. Which of the following terms refers to one of the "big stones" used in the construction of a site such as Stonehenge?

a. megalith
b. menhir
c. cairn
d. cromlech

2. What is likely to be the purpose of Stonehenge?

a. a crop circle
b. an astronomical chart
c. a burial ground
d. a temple

3. Which of the following best defines myth?

a. a religious parable
b. a factual recounting of origin
c. an intentional fabrication
d. a story that a culture assumes is true

4. Which of the following terms refers to what the Zuni Pueblo people consider deified spirits who manifest themselves in performance and dance?

a. kachinas
b. kivas
c. menhirs
d. cairns

5. Which of the following rivers is associated with ancient China?

a. the Nile
b. the Euphrates
c. the Indus
d. the Yellow

6. Which of the following rivers is associated with ancient Mesopotamia?

a. the Yellow
b. the Nile
c. the Indus
d. the Tigris

7. Which of the following terms refers to a religion that includes many gods and goddesses often associated with natural forces and realms?

a. monotheism
b. theocracy
c. henotheism
d. polytheism

8. Which of the following provided Theseus with a weapon and thread to help him kill the Minotaur?

a. Aegeus
b. Daedalus
c. Ariadne
d. Pasiphae

9. Who is considered the author of the Iliad and the Odyssey?

a. Homer
b. Socrates
c. Plato
d. Aristotle

10. Who is the Trojan prince and warrior that killed Patroclus and enraged Achilles during the action of the Iliad?

a. Agamemnon
b. Menelaus
c. Hector
d. Priam

11. Who is the wife of Odysseus?

a. Helen
b. Penelope
c. Pasiphae
d. Ariadne

12. Who is the chief craftsperson that assists the Minoan queen in her plan to attract the Minotaur?

a. Aegeus
b. Ariadne
c. Daedalus
d. Theseus

13. Which of the following literary pieces was first to detail the Greek pantheon?

a. the Iliad
b. the Odyssey
c. Works and Days
d. Theogony

14. Who is the author of the Aeneid?

a. Horace
b. Ovid
c. Virgil
d. Juvenal

15. Who is the author of the Metamorphoses?

a. Horace
b. Ovid
c. Virgil
d. Juvenal

16. Which of the following orders of architecture is NOT included in the levels of the Colosseum?

a. Corinthian
b. Ionic
c. Doric
d. Tuscan

17. During which of the following ancient Chinese dynasties were the Book of Changes and the yin-yang codified and written down?

a. the Shang dynasty
b. the Qin dynasty
c. the Zhou dynasty
d. the Han dynasty

18. Which of the following terms is the Chinese term for the unifying principle in all nature?

a. li
b. jen
c. qi
d. to

19. Which of the following terms refers to good and righteous conduct reflecting the cosmic moral order that underlies all existence?

a. bodhisattva
b. dharma
c. dhammapada
d. nirvana

20. What is the name for the aisle which crosses the nave?

a. narthex
b. clerestory
c. transept
d. the Latin cross

21. Where did the cult of Mithras originate?

a. Persia
b. Egypt
c. China
d. Britain

22. Which of the following is the first Western autobiography?

a. The City of God
b. The Confessions
c. The Aeneid
d. The Secret History

23. After the Hagia Sophia burned to the ground in 532, which of the following included a giant new Hagia Sophia in his massive campaign to rebuild Constantinople?

a. Theodosius I
b. Constantius II
c. Theodoric
d. Justinian

24. What is the name of the unique architectural feature of the Hagia Sophia?

a. the vault
b. the cantilever
c. the classical order
d. the pendentive

25. Ravenna's church of San Vitale includes a celebrated mosaic that features Emperor Justinian,Maximian, clergy, courtiers, and soldiers. What is the emperor carrying in his hand?

a. a scepter
b. a crucifix
c. a paten
d. a chalice

Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)

1. What is Roland's horn called?

a. the elephant tusk
b. the conch shell
c. the Oliphant
d. the copper

2. Whose "Rule" (set of guidelines) was imposed on all monasteries throughout Charlemagne's Frankish kingdom?

a. Gregory
b. Benedict
c. Leo III
d. John XII

3. Who supervised one of the most prominent Anglo-Saxon monasteries (a community of both monks and nuns) and hosted a Council in an attempt to reconcile Celtic and Latin factions of the Church of England?

a. Roswitha
b. Scholastica
c. Hilda
d. Hildegard

4. In the Mass what does the phrase "Kyrie eleison" mean?

a. Christ have mercy
b. God have mercy
c. Lord have mercy
d. He is risen indeed

5. Which of the following resulted from a call by William I of Normandy for a complete survey of England so that he could more accurately determine how much tax he could raise to provide a new army?

a. Domesday Book
b. Bayeux Tapestry
c. Song of Roland
d. Beowulf

6. Which of the following claimed as its relic the bones of Mary Magdalene?

a. Vezelay
b. Chartres
c. Rome
d. Santiago de Compostela

7. Which of the following works is considered an example of "medieval romance"?

a. Sir Gawain
b. Song of Roland
c. Bisclavret
d. Lancelot

8. Proficiency in which of the following languages was mandatory for students in a medieval university?

a. English
b. France
c. Latin
d. Greek

9. In which of the following cities did Robert de Sorbon play a significant role in organizing theology students?

a. Bologna
b. Oxford
c. Cambridge
d. Paris

10. Which of the following is widely recognized as the author of On the Diseases of Women, which became the standard reference work in gynecology and obstetrics for midwives and physicians throughout the Middle Ages?

a. Magnus
b. Aquinas
c. Trotula
d. Novella d'Andrea

11. Which of the following Gothic churches features the highest ratio of glass to stone?

a. the royal chapel of Sainte-Chapelle
b. the Abbey Church of St-Denis
c. Chartres Cathedral
d. Amiens Cathedral

12. Who painted the Maesta (or Virgin and Child), which once hung in the council chamber of Siena's Palazzo Pubblico?

a. Ambrogio Lorenzetti
b. Giotto di Bondone
c. Simone Martini
d. Giovanni Pisano

13. What does the term Renaissance mean?

a. rewind
b. resource
c. rebirth
d. regenerate

14. Which of the following tasks is NOT among those assignments that the text specifically list among the responsibilities of Heinrich Isaac, who served as Lorenzo's private music master?

a. He taught Lorenzo's wife to play the violin.
b. He oversaw the five household organs.
c. He taught music to Lorenzo's sons.
d. He collaborated with Lorenzo writing songs for popular festivals.

15. Through what line of work did Federigo da Montefeltro finance his elaborate lifestyle?

a. as the owner of several cargo ships
b. as the owner of several textile mills
c. as a wine merchant
d. as a mercenary soldier

16. Where is Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper?

a. in a palazzo
b. in a city council meeting room
c. in a church nave
d. in a monastery refectory

17. Which of the following artists did the city of Florence commission to create a freestanding statue of the Biblical hero David using a huge cracked block of marble that all other sculptors had abandoned?

a. Michelangelo
b. Donatello
c. Raphael
d. Leonardo

18. Soon after he was elected pope in 1503, whom did Julius II appoint as chief architect of a plan to replace St. Peter's Basilica with a new church?

a. Michelangelo
b. Raphael
c. Bramante
d. Leonardo

19. In what revered location was the structure known as the Tempietto built?

a. the site of St. Paul's imprisonment
b. the site of St. Peter's martyrdom
c. the site of St. John's imprisonment
d. the site of St. Stephen's martyrdom

20. Who created The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?

a. Albrecht Darer
b. Hieronymus Bosch
c. Jan van Eyck
d. Matthias Grunewald

21. Which of the following doctrines did Martin Luther support, in direct conflict with the established Church of Rome?

a. salvation through confession
b. salvation without baptism
c. salvation by faith rather than by works
d. salvation by works rather than by faith

22. Which of the following is among the hymns that Martin Luther composed?

a. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God"
b. Amazing Grace"
c. Rock of Ages"
d. Just As I Am"

23. Who proposed the concept of the Elect and the Damned in Institutes of the Christian Religion?

a. John Calvin
b. Ulrich Zwigli
c. Michael Servenus
d. Thomas Muntzer

24. One of the "Continuity and Change" section of the textbook mentions religious societies that advocated a return to strict and uncompromising obedience to the authority of the Church and its ecclesiastical hierarchy. Which of the following societies included among its guidelines "Rule 13," which addresses black and white?

a. the Franciscans
b. the Benedictines
c. the Jesuits
d. the Dominicans

25. Who painted a portrait of England's King Henry VIII dressed in the clothes he wore when he married Anne of Cleves?

a. Jean de Dinteville
b. Hans Holbein the Younger
c. Georges de Selve
d. Nicolaus Kratzer

Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)

1. During most of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, which of the following religions was dominant among India's leaders?

a. Christianity
b. Hinduism
c. Islam
d. Buddhism

2. What is Shah Jahan's famous contribution to architecture?

a. public baths
b. a theatre complex
c. the Taj Mahal
d. the Iwan

3. Which of the following dynasties developed movable type, allowing them to print books on paper-approximately 400 years before Gutenberg introduced his movable type printing press in the West?

a. the Ming dynasty
b. the Song dynasty
c. the Yuan dynasty
d. the Tang dynasty

4. Which of the following dynasties included the Mongols under Kublai Khan and his descendants?

a. the Ming dynasty
b. the Song dynasty
c. the Yuan dynasty
d. the Tang dynasty

5. In approximately 1004 CE, the Chinese invented the process for making porcelain. At which location did this occur?

a. Suzhou
b. Hangzhou
c. Jingdezhen
d. Guangdong

6. Who created Hundreds of Birds Admiring the Peacocks, which is an example of the northern style of Chinese painting?
a. Shen Zhou
b. Yin Hong
c. Dong Qichang
d. Kogaku Soko

7. Which of the following refers to the purely Japanese writing system in which Murasaki Shikibu composed her poems?

a. waka
b. hiragana
c. zuihitsu
d. haiku

8. In which of the following cities did Bernini complete the sculptural program for the Cornaro Chapel in the Church of Santa Maria della Vittoria?

a. Milan
b. Florence
c. Venice
d. Rome

9. In Caravaggio's The Calling of Saint Matthew, who is standing beside Christ?

a. St. Matthew
b. St. Peter
c. St. Paul
d. St. John

10. Which metaphysical poet wrote the poem "Batter My Heart"?

a. Shakespeare
b. Herbert
c. Spenser
d. Donne

11. As the author of Spiritual Exercises, who called on Jesuits to develop all of their senses?

a. Pope Urban III
b. Ignatius of Loyola
c. John Donne
d. Giulio Caccini

12. Who is considered the first composer to specify dynamics by indicating piano for "soft" and forte for "loud"?

a. Arcangelo Corelli
b. Claudio Monteverdi
c. Giovanni Gabrieli
d. Antonio Vivaldi

13. An orchestra of three dozen instruments was necessary to perform Orfeo. Which of the following instruments is NOT among those specifically mentioned as essential to performing Orfeo?

a. oboes
b. violas
c. trumpets
d. trombones

14. Who is the architect of St. Paul's Cathedral in London?

a. Galileo Galilei
b. Christopher Wren
c. Johannes Kepler
d. Francis Bacon

15. Which of the following challenged the traditional belief that the orbits of the planets were spherical, showing that the five known planets moved around the sun in elliptical paths?

a. Rene Descartes
b. Galileo Galilei
c. Johannes Kepler
d. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

16. Which pope was not persuaded by Galileo's explanations in 1615, resulting in the scientist's banishment from publishing and teaching his findings?

a. Pope Urban VIII
b. Pope Paul V
c. Pope Leo III
d. Pope Sixtus V

17. Who served as the dean of St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin, and also created the Houyhnhnms and the Yahoos?

a. Jonathan Swift
b. Henry Fielding
c. Alexander Pope
d. Daniel Defoe

18. Which of the following was NOT a member of the Lunar Society who frequently met at the home of Joseph Wright?

a. James Watt
b. Charles Darwin
c. Josiah Wedgwood
d. Matthew Boulton

19. Among the members of the Lunar Society, who is considered the inventor of gas lighting?

a. James Watt
b. Benjamin Franklin
c. William Murdock
d. Josiah Wedgwood

20. Who painted Napoleon Crossing the Saint-Bernard?

a. Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres
b. Pierre-Alexandre Vignon
c. Antonio Canova
d. Jacques-Louis David

21. Which of the following was commissioned by Napoleon to redesign a church as a new Temple of the Glory of the Grand Army, although it is now known as La Madeleine?

a. Antonio Canova
b. Pierre-Alexandre Vignon
c. Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres
d. Theodore Gericault

22. What can "Tintern Abbey" be taken as one of the fullest statements of?

a. the Enlightenment Spirit
b. the Romantic Imagination
c. the Revolution French Sentiment
d. the Neoclassical Spirit

23. Landscape is the equivalent of a similar word in which language?

a. German
b. Dutch
c. Finnish
d. Romanian

24. For which of the following paintings did J. M. W. Turner reportedly have "sailors to lash [him] to the mast" so that he might observe the scene?

a. The Upper Falls of the Reichenbach
b. The Fall of an Avalanche in the Grisons
c. Snow Storm-Steam-Boat off a Harbour's Mouth
d. None of the answers are correct.

25. Which of the following is the reason for the strong percussive stroke in Haydn's "Surprise" Symphony?

a. Accentuate the downbeat
b. Develop the folk rhythms of the piece
c. Wake the sleeping audience
d. Finish on a dramatic note

Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)

1. Who composed Rigoletto and believed that opera should be dramatically realistic?

a. Edwin P. Christy
b. Giuseppe Verdi
c. Richard Wagner
d. Jacques Offenbach

2. Who is the protagonist of Tannhauser?

a. Tannhauser
b. Seigfried
c. Brumhilde
d. Minnesinger

3. Who was commissioned by Emperor Napoleon Ill to modernize Paris?

a. Camille Pissarro
b. Benito Juarez
c. Gustave Ca i I lebotte
d. Georges-Eugene Haussmann

4. What is the French phrase for painting out of doors?

a. Raison d'etre
b. En plein air
c. Ennui
d. Vis-a-vis

5. Who was "deeply interested in the new science of color theory" and painted Red Roofs, described as a "random patchwork of red and green, orange and blue [that] appears through a veil of tree branches that interrupt the viewer's vision"?

a. Mary Cassatt
b. Camille Pissarro
c. Claude Monet
d. Berthe Morisot

6. Where was Ralph Waldo Emerson's "Transcendental Club" founded?

a. Boston
b. New Bedford
c. Concord
d. New Haven

7. Who is the author of Walden, or Life in the Woods, which was "dedicated to teaching the satisfactions and virtues of living simply and wisely in communion with nature"?

a. Ralph Waldo Emerson
b. Freidrich Schelling
c. Herman Melville
d. Henry David Thoreau

8. Among the following artists, who "preferred to paint the crowd" and created Luncheon of the Boating Party?

a. Edgar Degas
b. Camille Pissarro
c. Edouard Manet
d. August Renoir

9. Which of the following artists was NOT among the group of artists centered around Filippo Marinetti-a group who developed a new style of art called Futurism?

a. Carlo Carra
b. Giacomo Balla
c. Georges Braque
d. Umberto Boccioni

10. Who directed the Ballet Russes during the premiere of the ballet The Rite of Spring?

a. Igor Stravinsky
b. Vaslav Nijinsky
c. Wassily Kandinsky
d. Sergei Diaghilev

11. Who was the choreographer for premiere of the ballet The Rite of Spring?

a. Sergei Diaghilev
b. Wassily Kandinsky
c. Vaslav Nijinsky
d. Igor Stravinsky

12. Which of the following musicians is most closely associated with Sprechstimme?

a. Arnold Schoenberg
b. Richard Wagner
c. Igor Stravinsky
d. Giacomo Puccini

13. Who composed the "Dada Manifesto 1918"?

a. William Butler Yeats
b. Wilfred Owen
c. T. S. Eliot
d. Tristan Tzara

14. Who wrote "Jazz Band in a Parisian Cabaret," one of many poems collected in Weary Blues and published in 1926?

a. Claude McKay
b. Langston Hughes
c. Countee Cullen
d. W.E.B. DuBois

15. Among the following, who enjoyed a five-year engagement at Harlem's Cotton Club and performed It Don't Mean a Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing) to introduce the term "swing" to jazz culture?

a. Bessie Smith
b. Zora Neale Hurston
c. Louis Armstrong
d. Duke Ellington

16. Who is the author of "Weary Blues," which describes listening to a blues singer in a Harlem club?

a. F. Scott Fitzgerald
b. Countee Cullen
c. Zora Neale Hurston
d. Langston Hughes

17. Who created Persistence of Memory?

a. Salvador Dali
b. Alberto Giacometti
c. Joan Milt
d. Max Ernst

18. What phrase summarizes the Existentialism of Sartre?

a. "The real is the rational and the rational is the real."
b. "In the beginning was the deed."
c. "Existence precedes essence."
d. "If there is no God than everything is permitted."

19. Which of the following did NOT create a play that would be considered among the "Theater of the Absurd"?

a. Joseph Heller
b. Edward Albee
c. Samuel Beckett
d. Tom Stoppard

20. Who wrote Slaughterhouse-Five, narrated by a survivor of the Allied fire-bombing of Dresden?

a. Ralph Ellison
b. Jean-Paul Sartre
c. Kurt Vonnegut
d. James Baldwin

21. Who was instrumental in introducing graffiti to the art world?

a. Jean-Paul Sartre
b. Gil Scott-Heron
c. Jean-Michel Basquiat
d. Leonard Bernstein

22. Who wrote The Feminine Mystique and was aware that some of Freud's writings had been misused as a tool for the suppression of women?

a. Betty Friedan
b. Anne Sexton
c. Adrienne Rich
d. Sylvia Plath

23. Who collaborated with Vlado Miluni on the Rasin Building?

a. Frank Gehry
b. Bugsy Siegel
c. Claude-Nicolas Ledoux
d. Robert Venturi

24. This artist's The Holy Virgin Mary painting was inspired by his West African culture, which associated genitalia and dung with fertility and female divinities.

a. Masami Teraoka
b. Shahzia Sikander
c. Chris Ofili
d. Mariko Mori

25. Who combines training in miniature painting with contemporary art styles to create such works as Pleasure Pillars?

a. Shahzia Sikander
b. Zhang Huan
c. Tahereh Saffarzadeh
d. Shirin Neshat

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English: Which of the following terms refers to one of the big
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