
Which of the following terms accurately describes the

QUESTION 1 "Complex and formal media organizations" accurately describes mass communication ______.

QUESTION 2 Trends that include the popularity of e-books and e-book readers, and the popularity of Netflix and other services that provide direct downloads of movies and TV shows to homes, are examples of Nicholas Negroponte's prediction of an accelerating shift from _____ to _____.
A.atoms, bits
B.local, global
C.old, new
D.analogue, digital

QUESTION 3 "Audiences of user-generated online content cannot be assured that facts and interpretations have been verified by subject experts." Which social implication of the Internet and social media does this statement accurately describe?
A.new model for news
C.information overload
D.lack of gatekeepers

QUESTION 4 _____ are special computer programs designed especially for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers. They take people to Web sites that are specifically designed to provide a more satisfying experience for users of mobile devices than Web sites designed for people using Web browsers.

QUESTION 5 Which of the following statements accurately describes the newspaper publishing industry in 2017?
A.Newspaper chains own more than 80% of the nation's roughly 1,330 daily newspapers.
B.About 99% of U.S. cities have competing daily newspapers.
C.Since the year 2000, small-town community daily newspapers (<100K circulation) have struggled to remain in business.
D.A market analyst recently predicted strong audience demand for additional national newspapers.

QUESTION 6 "Everything. Everywhere." These words accurately describe the strategy to make media content available to consumers using a number of different delivery methods, also known as _____.
A.corporate convergence
B.social media
C.multiple platforms
D.mobile media

QUESTION 7 Which of the following statements accurately describes the magazine publishing industry in 2017?
A.Most consumer magazines offer only controlled circulations.
B.Consumer magazines account for about 83% of industry revenues.
C.Paid circulation is the audience metric valued most by advertisers in business magazines.
D.The number of consumer magazines is about twice the number of business magazines.

QUESTION 8 Which of the following statements accurately describes social media in 2017?
A.The average age of a social-media user is steadily getting younger.
B.Compared with people who reside in rural areas of the U.S., people who reside in urban areas of the U.S. are more likely to belong to a social network.
C.Social media can mobilize people into showing up at a certain place at a certain time.
D.The average smartphone user spends about 90% of his or her usage time visiting social network sites.

QUESTION 9 The circulations of most community newspapers and consumer magazines in the U.S. and Canada are audited by _____.
B.Alliance for Audited Media
D.Business Publications Audit of Circulation International

QUESTION 10 Why was the year 2008 a tipping point for the newspaper industry?
A.about 500 U.S. cities had competing daily community newspapers
B.more people accessed news online for free than paid for it by buying newspapers
C.most news stories originated with independent online journalists rather than with newspaper reporters
D.A, B, and C accurately describe why the year 2008 was a tipping point for the newspaper industry.

QUESTION 11 Which of the following media platforms, more than any other, serves as a historical record, and is sometimes known as "the first draft of history"?
A.magazine journalism
B.newspaper journalism
C.social-media journalism
D.book-length journalism

QUESTION 12 From the study of media history, we know that most people in the 19th century (1800s) were able to predict with accuracy today's uses for technological innovations such as sound recording.

QUESTION 13 When a new form of social media becomes popular, it seldom replaces an existing form. Instead, the two forms tend to serve different communication functions.

QUESTION 14 The largest mass-entertainment media companies in the U.S. also own most of the daily community newspapers in the U.S.

QUESTION 15 _____ are online communication systems that enable users to engage in participation, conversation, sharing, collaboration, and linkage.
C.Social media

QUESTION 16 Radio and the Internet both demonstrate the cyclical nature of history. The first uses of both radio and the Internet were primarily by the _____.
A.media of mass communication
B.entertainment industry
C.general public

QUESTION 17 In which of the following communication settings is message termination the easiest?
A.interpersonal communication
B.machine-assisted communication
C.mass communication
D.Message termination is the same in all three communication settings.

QUESTION 18 About _____ cents of each dollar earned by a typical magazine publisher is spent on costs associated with production, distribution, and circulation of the magazine.

QUESTION 19 Which of the following statements accurately describes the newspaper audience in 2017?
A.About 56% read print editions only.
B.About 26% read print editions, and also access desktop-mobile digital editions.
C.About 18% access desktop-mobile digital editions only.
D.A, B, and C accurately describe the newspaper audience in 2017.

QUESTION 20 Although cable and telephone companies typically have ample bandwidth in their trunk lines, it is not always possible to provide an individual household subscriber with the fastest Internet connection possible. This is known as _____.
A.net neutrality
B.the last-mile obstacle
C.the digital divide
D.information overload

QUESTION 21 Although the magazine industry recognizes 225 speicalized "market classifications" (e.g. women under age 35), any given magazine fits within one of the following pairs of content categories.
A.vertical and horizontal
B.consumer and business
C.broadsheet and tabloid
D.print and digital

QUESTION 22 Not long ago, a mall was evacuated after a flash mob started a fight in the food court. The formation of a flash mob is an example of which of the following functions of mass media?
B.transmission of values

QUESTION 23 _____ accurately describes situations in which the intentions of sources that produce mass-media messages do not match the ways in which some individual audience members choose to use those messages, thereby resulting in unstable consequences for individuals or society.
D.Organic analogy

QUESTION 24 "They're not really photographs. They're images." These statements from our textbook refer to the practice of _____, an ethical issue regarding the altering of photos by some gatekeepers in the magazine industry.
C.replica editions

QUESTION 25 A Congressional decision in the 19th century (1800s) to seek private funding for _____ established the precedent of organizing U.S. communications functions as profit-seeking businesses.
A.the electric telegraph
D.motion pictures

QUESTION 26 Scott is running late to meet his daughter, Anna, for dinner. On his way to the restaurant, he calls Anna, who is already there, and tells her he's running about 15 minutes behind schedule. In Scott's mind, because he's been in contact with Anna by the time they designated for dinner, he's not actually late. Which of the following best describes Scott's scenario?
A.mobile parenting
B.digital divide
C.social media
D.time softening

QUESTION 27 Which of the following accurately describes the interpretation function of mass communication?
A.providing a wide range of expertise, and many points of view about the meaning of events
B.joining different elements of society together
C.alerting audience members to an approaching thunderstorm
D.allowing everyone to be a journalist via a smartphone

QUESTION 28 Which of the following statements accurately describes the Internet and social media in 2017?
A.The U.S. demographic group with the largest percentage of adults online is "adults age 65 and older."
B.Data flow at most telecommunication and cable companies is structured in ways that make it faster for subscribers to upload than download, which in turn favors media production and distribution by subscribers, rather than media consumption by subscribers.
C.The Internet is the "new normal" way of life in the U.S., with Internet households resembling the general population.
D.Social networks have some of the highest online response (click-through) rates.

QUESTION 29 Although high-cost content (such as motion pictures and scripted television shows) is distributed by online platforms, online media companies are largely focused on search and targeted advertising, and have not evolved into traditional mass communication businesses focused on producing high-cost content.

QUESTION 30 Which of the following accurately describes the newspaper audience in 2017?
A.increased mobility of Americans has caused readership to decrease
B.decreased costs of both subscriptions and single-copy sales have caused readership to increase
C.increased literacy among young people has caused readership to decrease
D.decreased numbers of single-person households has caused readership to increase

QUESTION 31 Which of the following has been proposed as a new way to structure the newspaper industry?
A.allowing newspaper publishers to reorganize as low-profit limited liability companies
B.allowing newspaper publishers to reorganize as endowed institutions
C.exempting newspaper publishers from current antitrust laws
D.All of the above have been proposed as new ways to structure the newspaper industry.

QUESTION 32 Marcus believes that technology is the main cause of historical change. Which of the following best describes Marcus' viewpoint?
A.the age of invention and discovery
B.the Gutenberg effect
C.mass-society phenomenon
D.technological determinism

QUESTION 33 _____ refers to readers who pick up a copy of a magazine to read without buying it (e.g., while waiting to be seen by a physician or dentist).
A.Primary audience
B.Controlled circulation
C.Paid circulation
D.Pass along

QUESTION 34 Which of the following terms accurately describes a content decision maker in the context of mass communication?

QUESTION 35 The fundamental business functions of media industries have been more stable (or, have changed less) than the technological distribution systems for mass-media messages.

QUESTION 36 Conversational currency is part of which of the following uses and gratifications of mass communication?
A.social utility

QUESTION 37 When searching online, the first screen of a search-results page accounts for only a small amount (less than 10%) of all user clicks.

QUESTION 38 Which of the following terms accurately describes the division of mass-media audiences into targeted subgroups of a larger population?

QUESTION 39 The media of mass communication are accurately defined as "common carriers."

QUESTION 40 Entertainment is a secondary business function of advertising-supported media industries such as general-interest magazines and commercial television.

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Other Subject: Which of the following terms accurately describes the
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