1. Which of the following statements is true concerning planning in dynamic? environments?
A. In an uncertain? environment, managers should develop plans that are? specific, but flexible.
B. It is important for managers to be rigid in the implementation of their plans.
C. Dynamic market conditions should not allow the? organization's destination to change.
D. Organizations seldom experience dynamic environments.
E. In a dynamic? environment, plans should be set in stone to keep managers on track.
2. Mich Inc., a hardware store, has a rating system in place that rates employees on their friendliness, usefulness, and product knowledge. Based on the ratings an employee receives, he or she gets an incentive. The compensation strategy followed by Mich is most closely described as a:
1. Customer-focused strategy.
2. Cost-cutter strategy.
3. Innovator strategy.
4. Differentiation strategy.