Which of the following rivers flows southward lena ob

Question 1 Which one of the statements describing the physical geography of the Northern Eurasia is false? the Ural Mountains are considered to be the physical dividing line between Europe and Asia considering its large size, the country of Russia possess relative uniformity in terms of climate and vegetation located in the southeastern portion of North Eurasia, the Caucasus Mountains possesses a similar environmental uniformity as the rest of the region Eastern Siberia east of the Yenisey River is isolated and inhospitable.

Question 2 Which of the following rivers flows southward? Lena Ob Yenisey Volga

Question 3 Much of Northern Eurasia possesses a continental climate characterized by a long, dry and cold winter coupled with a short summer. Which one of the statement describing this climate type is false? the southern mountain edge prevents substantial moisture from the Pacific to penetrate the region the region's high latitude reduces the amount of insolation the region receives with the exception of the region's edges, this huge land area is too distant from moisture yielding oceans the region's vegetation does not yield enough moisture through trans-evaporation.

Question 4 The dry summer subtropical (Mediterranean) climate is found in which of the following areas of Northern Eurasia? the Crimean Peninsula the north the taiga the forest-steppe.

Question 5 Tundra is a region of: coniferous vegetation sparse vegetation grasslands deciduous trees.

Question 6 Which of the following describing the Taiga environmental region is false? Taiga refers to the coniferous forest cover Taiga dominates much of the central part of North Eurasia bogs and marshes are far more common in the eastern when compared to the western Taiga region Taiga soils are acidic and not very fertile.

Question 7 Which one of the descriptions of the Mixed Forest, Forest Steppe, and Steppe vegetation regions is false? are generally located in the southwestern part of North Eurasia when compared to the Taiga region, these regions are better suited to human settlement the Steppe region is located between the taiga and Mixed Forest region all three regions possess more fertile soils when compared to the Taiga region the Steppe region possesses thick, black and extremely fertile soils.

Question 8 Which one of the following is not a basic reason why Russia's resources are costly to access? many ports are frozen during long winters the deep depth of snow makes for costly land transport severe cold adds great cost to resource extraction permafrost challenges the engineering of roads because of the melting of the top layer of soil most of Russia's rivers flow north to the Arctic Sea.

Question 9 The historical/political expansion of of the future Russia includes all the following except? the first state was the Kievan Rus with strong cultural influences from Byzantium Constantinople and Orthodoxy after the fall of the Kievan Rus, Moscow in the north became the center of Russian power the peasant population of serfs paid loyalty to exploitative landlords who in turn supported the Tsar in Moscow the young state did not expand beyond its original core.

Question 10 All of the statements concerning the territorial/political expansion of the 1700-1900 Russian Empire are true except? Peter the Great moved the capital to St.Petersberg as Russia's "window on the West" with greater exposure to the West, landlord-peasant relations became far more democratic had territorially expanded to control Finland on the Baltic as well as the Caucasus and Ukrainian steppe to the south the development of industry based on multiple mineral resource regions and industrial centers incorrect by the 1860s, territorial expansion into inner Asia was helped by the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railroad.

Question 11 Which of the following is located in the Caucasus Mountains region? Azerbaijan Georgia Armenia all of the above.

Question 12 Which one of the descriptions of the new Soviet Union is false? the Soviet Union as a new state was first led by Vladimir Lenin, the leader of the Marxist inspired Bolsheviks (later the Communist Party) when Josef Stalin came to power, farmers were allowed to own their own land large scale industrial development was possible because of long distance rail transport and forced labor the implementation of Five Year Plans whereby the central government micro-managed even far flung local economies after World War Two, the Soviet Union made puppet government out of eastern European states and entered the Cold War with the U.S. and its allies for influence around the world.

Question 13 Which one of the geographically-based reasons for the disintegration of the Soviet Union is true? the cost of the far flung military the emergence of national identities among ethnic groups in states of the Soviet Union, as well as neighboring states in Eastern Europe Mikhail Gorbachev implemented Glasnost and Perestroika reforms in the 1980s that introduced greater openness and economic restructuring all of the above.

Question 14 Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, population growth in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine have not substantially increased and in some cases has declined. Which is not a reason for this population dynamic? male war deaths during the 1970s and 1980s reduced the number of marriages the high percentage of abortions and poor quality of prenatal care very high divorce rates the harmful effects of industrial pollution on children high HIV and suicide rates, especially among men.

Question 15 Which one of the statements describing the early economic policies of the new Russian Federation is false? the transition to a market-based economy was rapid because of high inflation rates, the government instituted economic "shock therapy" to control prices, but in reality it became "shock with no therapy" because inflation continued while the privatization of industry was a goal of the government, huge pieces of the national economy became controlled by oligarchs during Putin's rule, strict laws were implemented to divorce government and politics from economic power.

Question 16 The use of resources of the state for the benefit of private interests, including the "private interests" of many public officials, is called: rent-seeking siloviki oligarchs privatization.

Question 17 All of the descriptions of a changing society in the Russian Federation are true except: the rise of a new middle class with employment opportunities connected to globalization many older professionals such as educators and engineers, as well as workers and farmers, have become poorer when compared to the Communist period, women have become far less exploited as sex objects in the post-Soviet period younger people feel far more comfortable with a more globalized economy when compared to the older generation whose working lives were more government controlled.

Question 18 According to the Geography in Action boxed feature "Young People: Living in a New World": family housing in Russia has increased dramatically relative to demand, as the government has subsidized housing payments with revenues from windfall energy profits a 20-year-old citizen of one of the Northern Eurasian countries has no memory of Communism in Russia, post-secondary education (college, for example) is mandatory for citizens under the age of 25 business, finance, accounting, law, and real estate are less attractive occupations for young people in Russia today.

Question 19 Which of the following is true about non-Russian ethnic groups in Russia? they may prove problematic for the future of Russia they are evenly distributed throughout the country they have been deported by the new Russian Federation they are currently being embraced by the ethnic Russians.

Question 20 Which one of the descriptions of Russia's modern industrial geography is false? in part because of a good transportation infrastructure and large population, Moscow and St. Petersburg are the most important industrial regions older textile and metalworking industries have been replaced by consumer goods manufacturing in the Moscow and St. Petersburg region information technology (IT) industries have become very successful because of their linkage to the Russian military the Volga region as well as the Rostov-on-the-Don are industrial bases outside the the core the Russian Far East along the Pacific Rim possesses strong resource-based industries the big losers in Russia's new industrialization are narrowly focused heavy industrial towns.

Question 21 Agriculture witnessed substantial change in the new, post-Soviet Russia. Which is a false statement concerning these changes? lost much of its productive land when Ukraine and Kasakhstan in the southwest became independent countries disbanding Soviet-style collectives and communes, farmers on private plots have become the primary contributors to agricultural production since the 1990s the persistence of poverty in rural areas remains high

Question 22 All the statements describing Russia's recentralized governmental system are true except: after a few years of relative freedom, the government now has much greater control over the media (T.V. and newspapers) so as to prevent opposition to the government before Putin gained control, many of the regional governments possessed a relative degree of autonomy because of the perceived corruption and economic rent seeking of regional and local politicians distant from Moscow, Putin appointed super-governors to oversee elected governors the average Russian citizen is wary if not scared of the increasing role of the government in the economy.

Question 23 What accounts for Azerbaijan's and Georgia's geopolitical roles? privatization of industry rent-seeking the Rose Revolution Caspian Sea oil.

Question 24 Russia is involved in a protracted military conflict with: Chechnya correct the Urals Siberia middle Volga.

Question 25 Which of the statements describing Ukraine is incorrect? while its agricultural and mineral resources are substantial, productivity has declined since independence as evidenced by the "Orange Revolution", Ukraine's level of political freedom is greater when compared to Russia it is easy for Ukraine to move away from Russia's influence and more toward Europe because it is not reliant upon Russia for any material benefits.

Question 26 All the observations concerning Russia's "Near Abroad" are true except: Near Abroad countries are ones that were once part of the Soviet Union, but are now independent countries Russia is wary of its Near Abroad neighbors because of their membership in NATO Russians have typically viewed Ukrainians as culturally similar or "country cousins" many of the Near Abroad countries possess substantial ethnic-Russian minorities because of the fear of Islamist fundamentalism, Russia views its former Central Asian possessions with great distrust and have placed an economic embargo on these independent states.

Question 27 Which one of the statements describing Belarus is incorrect? poor soils for agriculture and little mineral resources Belarusans and Russians possess very similar cultures the Belarusan government is very pro-Western and openly courts Western investment Belarus would like to join in a union with Russia

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