
Which of the following made the soviet union suspicious of

AP US History

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following was the earliest English colony?
A. Maryland
B. New York
C. Massachusetts Bay
D. Georgia
E. Pennsylvania

2. Which of the following colonies was founded as a haven for Catholics?
A. Plymouth
B. New Amsterdam
C. Pennsylvania
D. Rhode Island
E. Maryland

3. One of the consequences of the Great Awakening was
A. a closer sense of unity between England and its colonies
B. that the Church of England was adopted by the colonies as an officially established church
C. the discussion of new ideas in religion
D. a challenge to traditional beliefs
E. a growing awareness of people in the colonies of their rights as Englishmen

4. Which of the following statements about colonial politics in the eighteenth century is true?
A. The right to vote for representatives to the colonial assemblies was severely restricted by high property qualifications.
B. The colonial assemblies controlled taxes and expenditures.
C. The colonial assemblies had the right to elect the governors.
D. The governors had unlimited authority as agents of the king.
E. The requirements for office holding were the same as those for voting.

5. As a consequence of the French and Indian War,
A. American colonists began to distrust the actions of the British government
B. colonists feared yet another involvement in a Franco-British conflict
C. Britain gave up Florida to Spain
D. Spain yielded Cuba to Great Britain
E. the Shawnee protested against British policy in the Ohio River valley

6. The most significant consequence of the French and Indian War was that
A. Spain received Florida as a prize of war
B. England and the colonies began to distrust one another
C. colonists feared being dragged into another European war
D. there were British attacks against the tribes that had sided with the French
E. French power in Canada was strengthened

7. In the eighteenth century, the view of American whites generally about slavery was that it
A. was wrong for religious and moral reasons
B. should not be hereditary
C. would soon fade as an economic practice
D. affected white people in its political and social impact
E. was a dangerous practice that could bring violence and race war

8. The Stamp Act Congress was significant because it
A. demonstrated that the colonies were loyal to Parliament
B. repealed the Stamp Act
C. led directly to the First Continental Congress
D. failed to persuade Parliament of colonial discontent
E. marked an important step toward the unity of the colonies

9. The most important consequence of the Boston Tea Party was the
A. repeal of the tax on tea
B. failure of other colonies to support Boston's action
C. opening of negotiations between Britain and Massachusetts
D. enactment by Parliament of the Coercive Acts
E. reopening of the Port of Boston to foreign trade

10. The Declaration of Independence was based on the political philosophy of
A. Edmund Burke
B. Thomas Paine
C. Thomas Hobbes
D. John Locke
E. Thomas Jefferson

11. The Land Ordinance of 1785 provided for
A. a ban on the importation of slaves into the Northwest Territory
B. a survey of the Northwest Territory and its division into townships
C. the procedure by which new states would be admitted to the Union
D. protection of Indians by prohibiting white settlement west of the Appalachians
E. the establishment of a series of forts along the Mississippi

12. The Annapolis Convention was called because
A. merchants wanted a stronger navy to protect their shipping
B. the Indians were effectively resisting the advance of settlers
C. the Confederation Congress had proved incapable of dealing with commercial issues
D. the British continued to challenge U.S. ships at sea
E. of the debate over the status of free blacks

13. Shays' Rebellion suggests that the most important problem facing the United States after the Revolution was
A. the ongoing conflict with Native Americans
B. the British refusal to recognize American claims to the Northwest Territories
C. economic problems caused by debt and high taxes
D. disputes over states' rights and the authority of the federal government
E. the danger of an open slave revolt in the South

14. Which of the following civil liberties protected by the Bill of Rights was in the Constitution as originally ratified?
A. freedom of the press
B. the right to bear arms
C. freedom of religion
D. protection against self-incrimination
E. trial by jury

15. Twenty years after the ratification of the Constitution, Congress banned
A. the interstate sale of slaves
B. missionary work among slaves
C. slavery in territories acquired by the federal government
D. the importation of slaves to the United States
E. the sale of American-born slaves to slaveholding nations

16. Which of the following is in the correct chronological order?
A. Articles of Confederation, Whiskey Rebellion, Constitutional Convention, Shays' Rebellion
B. Shays' Rebellion, Articles of Confederation, Whiskey Rebellion, Constitutional Convention
C. Articles of Confederation, Shays' Rebellion, Constitutional Convention, Whiskey Rebellion
D. Whiskey Rebellion, Articles of Confederation, Constitutional Convention, Shays' Rebellion
E. Constitutional Convention, Articles of Confederation, Shays' Rebellion, Whiskey Rebellion

17. President Washington created the first Cabinet by
A. authority of Article I, Section 18, of the Constitution
B. asking Congress to pass a law authorizing the creation of a Cabinet
C. proclamation
D. meeting with key Federalist leaders in the Senate
E. making the heads of the executive departments his advisers
18. Hamilton proposed a tariff soon after the launching of the United States government in order to
A. stop the export of raw materials to Great Britain
B. help develop manufacturing in the United States
C. help develop the American labor movement
D. punish Great Britain for postwar harassment of American shipping
E. support the creation of an American merchant marine

19. The vision of America as a country of yeoman farmers is most often associated with
A. George Washington
B. Alexander Hamilton
C. Benjamin Franklin
D. Thomas Jefferson
E. Andrew Jackson

20. According to Jay's Treaty
A. the British agreed finally to evacuate the Northwest posts
B. all prewar colonial debts were canceled
C. American rights to the Mississippi River were secured
D. a definite boundary between the United States and Canada was secured and extended to the Great
E. Lakes region
F. the British agreed not to take any more American sailors off merchant ships

21. The XYZ Affair resulted in
A. the growth of pro-French sentiment in the United States
B. a formal alliance between Great Britain and the United States
C. an undeclared war between the United States and France
D. embarrassment for President Adams
E. a new alliance with France against Great Britain

22. The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions argued that the rights to determine the constitutionality of a law passed by Congress rested in
A. Congress
B. the states
C. the President
D. the Supreme Court
E. the vote of the people

23. Gabriel's rebellion, a Virginia slave revolt in 1800,
A. resulted in the destruction of most of Richmond
B. caused the deaths of more than a hundred whites
C. inspired slaves in other southern states to revolt
D. was planning but never took place
E. was exceptional for its time

24. Cotton production was made profitable by the
A. invention of the Deere steel plow
B. use of irrigation on plantations
C. improved agricultural techniques
D. use of the McCormick reaper
E. success and simplicity of the cotton gin

25. The Louisiana Territory was ruled by nations in the following order:
A. Spain, France, Mexico, United States
B. Spain, France, Spain, United States
C. France, Spain, United States
D. Spain, France, United States
E. France, Spain, France, United States

26. The trend taken by the Supreme Court under Chief Justice John Marshall was to
A. strengthen state power at the expense of the federal government
B. give more authority to state courts and state laws
C. deny the national government authority concerning interstate commerce
D. expand the federal government's powers
E. deprive Native Americans of their ancestral land holdings

27. The early nineteenth-century Native American leader who urged the Indian tribes in the Old Northwest Territory to unify to protect their lands was
A. Chief Joseph
B. Geronimo
C. Tecumseh
D. Powhatan
E. King Philip

28. The Monroe Doctrine stated all of the following policies EXCEPT:
A. North and South America were no longer open to European colonization.
B. Existing colonies would not be bothered by the United States.
C. The United States would intervene in the problems South American countries had with other nations.
D. The colonies Europeans had had in the Western Hemisphere were forever lost.
E. The United States would not involve itself in the affairs of European nations.

29. The outcome of the election of 1824 between John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson was decided by
A. the Electoral College
B. a plurality of the popular vote
C. the Senate
D. the House of Representatives
E. the "corrupt bargain"

30. Andrew Jackson's view of the presidency emphasized
A. strong Cabinet leadership
B. strengthening the power of the states
C. support for the nullification doctrine
D. congressional partisan leadership
E. leadership by the executive branch in the interests of the people

31. The most important aspect of Jacksonian democracy was
A. abolition of the property qualification
B. granting of suffrage to free blacks
C. permitting limited suffrage rights to women
D. abolition of poll taxes
E. creation of distinct political parties

32. During the presidency of Andrew Jackson, the issue that triggered the debate over states' rights was
A. tariff policy
B. expansion of slavery
C. Indian removal
D. internal improvements
E. rechartering the Bank of the United States

33. To Andrew Jackson, the spoils system
A. denied qualified persons the right to keep federal jobs
B. was needed in the absence of civil service laws
C. benefited the political process
D. was a political practice beyond his ability to control
E. kept him from appointing his friends to political office

34. The "Trail of Tears" refers to
A. the removal of the Cherokees and other Native American tribes to Oklahoma
B. the difficulties new immigrants faced in getting to the United States
C. the migration of freed slaves to the North after the Civil War
D. child labor in nineteenth-century factories
E. conditions on slave ships coming to the colonies in the seventeenth century

35. The theory of nullification, according to which a state can reject a federal law, was most likely argued by
A. John C. Calhoun
B. Daniel Webster
C. Andrew Jackson
D. James Madison
E. John Marshall

36. The chief weapon used by Andrew Jackson in his dispute with the National Bank was
A. his decision to print more paper money
B. to deposit government money in state banks
C. to give unqualified support to the Tariff of 1832
D. the support of the Supreme Court in voiding the bank's charter
E. paying government debts from tariff revenue only

37. In the Charles River Bridge (1837) case, the Supreme Court declared that
A. government should regulate business for the good of society
B. states could regulate banks within their borders
C. vaguely worded clauses in charter grants could be decided in favor of the public interest
D. the strict constructionist interpretation was unconstitutional
E. interstate connections came under federal authority

38. Dorothea Dix is most closely associated with which area of social reform in the first half of the nineteenth century?
A. temperance movement
B. women's rights
C. settlement house movement
D. abolitionist cause
E. prisons and asylums

39. Horace Mann believed that
A. education is a private matter and should not involve the state
B. public education should be clearly separated from religious teaching
C. public schools should be separate but equal between the black and white races
D. families should have the right to choose between public and private schools
E. business and industry should pay special taxes in support of public education

40. Which of the following describes the purpose of the Maine Law of 1851?
A. banning the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages
B. prohibiting the consumption of alcoholic beverages
C. women's suffrage at the state level
D. state-by-state slavery abolition laws
E. women retaining legal rights to their property after marriage

41. The first employees in the Lowell, Massachusetts, textile mills were
A. slaves imported from the South
B. young girls from New England farms
C. farmers who could no longer support themselves through farming
D. newly arrived immigrants from Europe
E. people who could not find work in urban centers

42. Which is the correct order of chronology of these inventions?
A. reaper, steamboat, telegraph, cotton gin
B. cotton gin, steamboat, reaper, telegraph
C. steamboat, cotton gin, telegraph, reaper
D. cotton gin, reaper, steamboat, telegraph
E. cotton gin, steamboat, telegraph, reaper

43. The Seneca Falls "Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions" dealt with
A. the abolition of slavery
B. colonial opposition to British taxes
C. working conditions of children in factories
D. the concern of farmers over railroad rates
E. women's rights

44. The American antislavery movement split in 1840 largely over the issue of
A. the participation of women
B. gradual vs. immediate emancipation
C. civil rights for free blacks in the North
D. support for black abolitionists
E. backing Martin Van Buren for President

45. The disappearance of slavery in the North resulted from
A. greater Northern devotion to American ideals
B. economic competition from the South
C. higher prices for slaves in the South
D. the economic unprofitability of slavery in a region of small farms
E. the Puritan tradition, which rejected slaveholding

46. The provisions of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo included all of these EXCEPT
A. the United States would pay $15 million to Mexico
B. set the Texas boundary at the Rio Grande
C. yield California to the United States
D. yield New Mexico to the United States
E. yield the Mesilla Valley of Arizona to the United States

47. Large numbers of Irish immigrants came to the United States in the 1840s because of the
A. persecution of Irish Catholics
B. civil war between Northern Ireland and Ireland
C. massive failure of the potato crop
D. British military aggression in Ireland
E. lure of gold in California

48. Most of the people who went to California during the Gold Rush
A. quickly returned to their homes back east
B. went on to follow mining rushes in other areas
C. returned with a fair profit for their efforts
D. found barely enough gold to pay for their trip
E. failed to find enough gold to pay their expenses

49. The Compromise of 1850 provided a concession to the South by
A. allowing slavery in New Mexico and Utah
B. permitting the slave trade to continue in the District of Columbia
C. having slavery in Nebraska and Kansas determined by popular sovereignty
D. creating a new Fugitive Slave Law
E. determining how new states would be admitted to the Union

50. The doctrine of popular sovereignty called for the question of permitting slaves in a new territory to be decided by the
A. House of Representatives
B. Supreme Court
C. people living in the territory
D. Compromise of 1850
E. Wilmot Proviso

51. Senator Stephen A. Douglas managed to engineer the Compromise of 1850 by
A. winning the endorsement of President Zachary Taylor for the Compromise
B. letting the southern Democrats dictate the terms of the Compromise
C. securing passage of the different parts of the Compromise as separate laws
D. threatening to remove political opponents from important congressional committees
E. a policy of conciliation for all factions

52. Which of the following statements regarding the draft and the Union Army is true?
A. More than half of the men serving in the Union Army were draftees.
B. Congress passed the draft law at the beginning of the Civil War.
C. A potential draftee could hire a substitute or buy his way out of service.
D. There was widespread support for the draft because of the patriotism generated by the war.
E. The minimum draft age was set at sixteen.

53. The South hoped to gain diplomatic recognition and active support from Great Britain because
A. slavery was still legal in the British Empire
B. British public opinion generally supported the South
C. British factories needed Southern cotton
D. Britain wanted the help of the South to regain the Oregon Territory
E. the North had placed high tariffs on British goods

54. During the Civil War, African Americans in the North
A. were not allowed to join the Union Army
B. fought in segregated regiments
C. were allowed to join the Union Army but saw no combat
D. were integrated into white regiments
E. were permitted to select their own officers

55. Which of the following statements about the Emancipation Proclamation is NOT accurate?
A. It immediately freed all slaves living in the United States.
B. It freed slaves only in the Confederacy or in areas of active rebellion.
C. It led to the creation of all-black units in the Union Army.
D. It was issued in part because slave labor was helping the Confederate cause.
E. It gave the North a high moral reason for continuing the war.

56. "Forty acres and a mule" refers to
A. the proposal to make freed slaves small-scale farmers
B. the terms of the Homestead Act of 1862
C. the allotment given to Native Americans under the Dawes Severalty Act
D. the inducement given recent immigrants if they would settle outside of urban centers
E. a typical homestead on the Great Plains in the 1870s

57. "Under our system of railroad ownership, an excessive competition exists for the business of all competing points, while the local business of the various competing lines in an absolute monopoly. This has naturally resulted in compelling the corporations to do through business at rates often ruinously unremunerative, which again has compelled those companies to recoup themselves for their losses and secure their profits by excessive charges on the local traffic."
This passage explains which problem that farmers faced in the late nineteenth century?
A. prices charged by grain-elevator operators
B. agricultural overproduction
C. high protective tariffs
D. long versus short hauls
E. heavy debt

58. Open-range ranching came to an end due to
A. overproduction of beef and declining prices
B. federal support for irrigated agriculture
C. the range wars between cattlemen and sheepherders
D. fencing of the plains with barbed wire
E. increase in cattle production in the Midwest and East

59. Which of the following best illustrates government support for the construction of the first transcontinental railroad?
A. open immigration from China
B. the exchange of Union Pacific stock for federal bonds
C. creation of the Credit Mobilier construction company
D. the grant of thousands of acres of public lands to the railroads
E. preference in hiring to Union Army veterans

60. A major factor in the drastic decline of the Plains Indians in the nineteenth century was
A. their placement on reservations
B. the escalation of intertribal wars aided by modern weapons
C. the hunting of the buffalo to near extinction
D. the loss of military leadership when important chiefs were killed or imprisoned
E. their failure to live up to treaty obligations

61. The first federal law to restrict immigration, passed in 1882, was aimed at
A. stopping Mexicans from crossing the border without first obtaining a visa
B. excluding Chinese immigrants
C. stopping immigration from eastern Europe
D. restricting the number of people coming into the United States
E. preventing smuggling of illegal aliens over the Canadian border

62. The first nationality excluded from immigrating to the United States was the
A. Japanese
B. Mexicans
C. Chinese
D. Haitians
E. Ottoman Turks

63. The Pendleton Act was enacted in response to
A. efforts to raise tariffs on imported cloth
B. the assassination of President James Garfield
C. protests against civil service examinations
D. complaints about currency deflation
E. the loss of public support for both political parties

64. The Gilded Age received its nickname from the
A. improvement in the average American's standard of living
B. corruption, greed, and superficial appearance of wealth
C. success of mineral strikes in California and the western territories
D. growth of cities and their attractions
E. monetary gold standard

65. During the Gilded Age, the nation's two major political parties
A. offered basically the same programs
B. differed in the quality of their party leaders
C. had similar bases of party membership
D. suffered from excessive argument and internal differences
E. tried with success to avoid political scandals

66. Which of the following was the main issue in Munn v. Illinois?
A. suppression of a major strike by the federal government
B. monopolistic practices of the Standard Oil Company
C. state regulation of labor unions
D. state regulation of grain elevator operators and railroad rates
E. state prosecution of a federal official

67. The first federal agency established to regulate business was the
A. Pure Food and Drug Administration
B. Federal Power Commission
C. Federal Reserve System
D. Interstate Commerce Commission
E. Securities and Exchange Commission

68. Which of the following was the most broadly based labor organization in the late nineteenth century?
A. American Federation of Labor
B. Knights of Labor
C. the Grange
D. Congress of Industrial Organizations
E. Industrial Workers of the World

69. During the 1894 Pullman strike, President Grover Cleveland
A. took the side of management in the dispute
B. did nothing to stop the dispute
C. took the side of labor in the dispute
D. called on Congress to give the Interstate Commerce Commission enforcement powers
E. invited management and labor representatives to the White House to settle the strike

70. The Chautauqua movement was
A. an early form of adult education
B. an effort to prevent the teaching of evolution
C. a late nineteenth-century religious revival
D. a literary movement of expatriate American authors
E. a school of fiction based in the Midwest

71. Which of the following was a principal target of Thomas Nast's political cartoons?
A. slavery
B. President Andrew Jackson
C. new immigrants
D. Boss Tweed
E. the trusts

72. The Interstate Commerce Act included all of the following EXCEPT
A. publication of railroad rate schedules
B. creation of a commission to hear problems of shippers
C. prohibition of railroad rates
D. declaration of short-haul differences as unlawful
E. establishment of fixed rate schedules for railroads to charge shippers

73. Which of the planks from the 1892 Populist party platform showed a concern with issues raised by organized labor?
A. graduated income tax
B. restrictions on immigration
C. government ownership of railroads
D. unlimited coinage of silver
E. direct election of Senators

74. The 1892 Populist platform did NOT include
A. government operation of the railroads
B. the initiative
C. the referendum
D. the subtreasury plan
E. high tariffs

75. Jacob Coxey's 1894 march on Washington, D.C., called for
A. tougher immigration restrictions
B. a government takeover of the railroads
C. an increase in the supply of paper money
D. recognition of the legitimacy of labor unions
E. generosity in granting pensions to Civil War veterans

76. "If the gold delegates dare to defend the gold standard as a good thing, we will fight them to the uppermost." Bryan's famous "cross of gold" speech called for
A. the unlimited coinage of silver
B. lower tariffs
C. a revival of greenback paper currency
D. renewed religious commitment for all Americans
E. federal and social welfare programs to deal with the Panic of 1893

77. The purpose of the Open Door Policy was to
A. open China to free trade
B. guarantee Cuban independence
C. given the United States a sphere of influence in Asia
D. restrict the effect of dollar diplomacy
E. justify military occupation of the Philippines

78. The "Insular Cases" decision of the Supreme Court declared that
A. the United States had the right to establish a Canal Zone in Panama
B. indigenous people in newly acquired colonies did not necessarily have the same rights as Americans
C. Puerto Rico and the Philippines could be lawfully annexed
D. newly acquired territories could eventually become states
E. annexation of the Hawaiian Islands had been unlawful

79. The injunction as a court order was often used in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century to
A. break up trusts
B. help farmers in danger of losing their farms
C. stop strikebreaking
D. prevent labor unions from striking
E. protect blacks from civil rights abuses

80. Theodore Roosevelt's political offices before he became President were
A. Governor of New York, Secretary of State in McKinley's Cabinet, Vice President
B. Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Secretary of the Navy, Governor of New York
C. Secretary of the Navy, Governor of New York, Vice President
D. Governor of New York, Secretary of the Navy, Vice President
E. Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Governor of New York, Vice President

81. Woodrow Wilson won the presidency in 1912 largely because
A. there was broad support for his New Freedom program
B. he promised to keep the United States out of a European war
C. he received the endorsement of the Socialist party
D. the Republican vote was split between William H. Taft and Theodore Roosevelt
E. the political bosses in the cities paid recent immigrants to vote twice

82. Which of the following historians is most closely associated with the idea that economic factors have shaped American history?
A. Frederick Jackson Turner
B. William Bradford
C. Charles Beard
D. Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.
E. Alfred Thayer Mahan

83. The income tax amendment to the Constitution adopted in 1913
A. applied the same tax rate to all income
B. redistributed wealth from the rich to the poor
C. recovered revenue lost by reducing the tariff
D. paid for the social-welfare programs of the Wilson administration
E. was repealed at the beginning of the Depression

84. The fear of left-wing subversion during the 1920s was reflected in the
A. America First Committee
B. trial of Sacco and Vanzetti
C. Scopes trial
D. Palmer raids
E. Army-McCarthy hearings

85. Henry Ford was able to reduce the price of automobiles significantly by
A. entering into price-fixing arrangements with steel companies
B. preventing his workers from joining unions
C. developing assembly-line production techniques
D. forming the automobile trust
E. getting Congress to support a national highway system

86. Prohibition failed because
A. organized crime controlled illegal liquor production
B. many Americans believed the law interfered with their personal freedom
C. rural America failed to support it
D. it adversely affected American productivity
E. the costs of enforcing it were too expensive

87. During the 1920s, a significant factor in the growth of cities was
A. immigration from southern and eastern Europe
B. the migration of African Americans from the rural South
C. improvement in the interstate highway system
D. court decisions that allowed cities to annex suburbs
E. the growth of intra-urban commuter transportation

88. The "Back to Africa" movement, which resulted in the creation of Liberia in 1822, found support in which twentieth-century group?
A. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
B. Universal Negro Improvement Association
C. Urban League
D. Southern Christian Leadership Conference
E. Congress of Racial Equality

89. Which of the following best represents the Realist school of American literature?
A. The Red Badge of Courage
B. The Gross Clinic
C. Looking Backward
D. The Grapes of Wrath
E. Moby Dick

90. The main purpose of the Tennessee Valley Authority was to
A. create affordable housing in rural Appalachia
B. control floods and provide electric power to the region
C. demonstrate the benefits of socialism in a poverty-stricken area
D. win political support for the New Deal in traditionally Republican states
E. expand the jurisdiction of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration

91. Which of the following made the Soviet Union suspicious of the motives of the United States and Great Britain during World War II?
A. the delay in opening the second front in Europe
B. the refusal to grant the Soviet Union lend-lease aid
C. the American monopoly on atomic bomb technology
D. the adoption of the Europe-first strategy
E. the failure of the West to accept changes in the borders of Poland

92. Henry Wallace ran as the Progressive candidate for President in 1948 because he
A. opposed Truman's policy on civil rights
B. saw himself as the true heir to the New Deal
C. favored a less hostile attitude toward the Soviet Union than Truman did
D. was defeated by Dewey in the Republican primaries
E. wanted to use the army to force the Soviet Union out of Eastern Europe

93. The Congress of Industrial Organizations
A. was committed to protecting the jobs of skilled workers
B. stressed organizing workers by industry rather than by craft
C. remained a part of the American Federation of Labor
D. did not sanction strikes to achieve workers' demands
E. refused to accept African Americans as members

94. Richard Nixon's early success in politics was largely based on his
A. support for civil rights legislation
B. expertise in foreign policy, particularly China
C. anticommunism
D. backing of an expansion of the New Deal programs
E. military service during World War II

95. Which of the following events in the Cold War occurred most recently?
A. Hungarian uprising
B. Berlin airlift
C. U-2 incident
D. launching of Sputnik
E. Castro in power in Cuba

96. The nomination of Barry Goldwater for President in 1964 indicated that
A. a major party was willing to run a candidate from a small state
B. conservatism was a major force in the Republican party
C. there was strong support for an escalation of American involvement in Vietnam
D. the Republican party was ready to accept the Great Society programs
E. grass-roots organization was not effective in political campaigns

97. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. advocated the philosophy of
A. economic equality
B. Black Power
C. accommodation
D. nonviolence
E. militant protest

98. The chief goal of African Americans in the civil rights movement in the South in the 1960s was to
A. end segregated education
B. obtain the practical right for blacks to vote
C. establish affirmative-action job programs
D. secure ratification of the Twenty-Fourth Amendment outlawing the poll tax
E. win control of southern state legislatures

99. The Civil Rights Act of 1964
A. made de jure segregation illegal
B. made de facto segregation illegal
C. outlawed racial discrimination in all places of public accommodation
D. protected registration of black voters
E. ended segregation in private schools

100. The most significant increase in immigration in recent years has come from
A. Latin America and Southeast Asia
B. Eastern Europe
C. the Middle East
D. newly independent states of Africa
E. northern Europe

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History: Which of the following made the soviet union suspicious of
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