Question 1
Messages embedded in files transferred from one computer to another are commonly called:
A. email.
B. the World Wide Web.
C. software.
D. the operating system.
Question 2
The volume of spam is increasing because:
A. companies have found it to be effective.
B. it is 100 times less expensive than a traditional flyer sent via the U.S. mail.
C. some people respond to spam advertisements.
D. All of the above
Question 3
The attempt to deceive Internet users into disclosing personal information through the use of official-looking emails is called:
A. identity theft.
B. deceiving or faking.
C. phishing.
D. spoofing.
Question 4
Which of the following is NOT an example of cyberbullying?
A. Spreading lies.
B. "Outing".
C. Forwarding spam.
D. Tricking someone into revealing personal information.
Question 5
The Internet and __________ are powerful and flexible tools that support a wide variety of social interactions.
A. the telephone system
B. email
C. social web sites
D. instant messaging
Question 6
A Korean cybercafé where people play on-line, persistent games is called a:
A. coffee clubhouse.
B. computer commons.
C. PC bang.
D. Tenretni (Internet spelled backwards).
Question 7
A wiki is a(n):
A. online encyclopedia.
B. personal journal kept on the Web.
C. electronic profile constructed automatically by a Web browser.
D. Web site that allows multiple people to contribute and edit its content.
Question 8
A blog is a:
A. character in Lineage, a popular on-line game.
B. personal journal kept on the Web.
C. person who assumes a false identity in a chat room.
D. special symbol visible on displays that show Unicode characters.
Question 9
Many people are now using the Web not simply to download content, but to build communities and upload and share content they have created. This trend has been given the name:
A. persistent online reality.
B. online networking.
C. Web 2.0.
D. interactive hypermedia.
Question 10
Which of these is NOT an example of direct censorship?
A. Government monopolization
B. Self-censorship
C. Pre-publication review
D. Licensing and registration
Question 11
According to John Stuart Mill's Principle of Harm, the only ground on which the government should intervene in the conduct of an individual is when:
A. the individual is breaking the law.
B. it would clearly be to the benefit of the individual.
C. the individual is under 18 or over 65.
D. it would prevent harm to others.
Question 12
In the United States, freedom of expression is:
A. guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
B. a positive right.
C. limited to political speech.
D. not an absolute right.
Question 13
Which of the following laws was upheld as constitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court?
A. Communications Decency Act
B. Child Online Protection Act
C. Child Internet Protection Act
D. All of these laws were upheld as constitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Question 14
Kimberly Young's test for Internet addiction is based on the diagnosis of:
A. pathological gambling.
B. obsessive/compulsive behavior.
C. chronic sleeplessness.
D. anxiety disorders.
Question 15
The Enlightenment view of addiction is that:
A. there is nothing wrong with addiction.
B. addiction is not real.
C. addiction can never be overcome by will-power alone.
D. people are responsible for the choices they make.
Question 16
Unsolicited, bulk, commercial email is commonly called:
A. spam.
B. hacking.
C. a cookie.
D. a Trojan horse.
Question 17
Trying to create a list of valid email addresses by sending email to randomly generated addresses and seeing which ones are delivered is called:
A. a direct attack.
B. identity theft.
C. spamming.
D. a dictionary attack.
Question 18
The __________ Amendment to the Constitution guarantees freedom of speech and freedom of the press.
A. Fifth
B. First
C. Second
D. Sixth
Question 19
The act of assuming someone else's electronic identity is called:
A. identity theft.
B. masking.
C. networking.
D. spamming.
Question 20
From the point of view of Kant or Mill, the responsibility for excessive Internet use lies with:
A. society.
B. the government.
C. chat room predators.
D. the individual user.