
Which of the following is true with respect to the

1-Which of the following is true with respect to the Minnesota twin studies?

A. An individual's personality fluctuates over time.

B. With respect to motivation at work, heredity plays a bigger role than a person's upbringing, surroundings, and life events.

C. The studies were designed to assess the role that genetic versus environmental factors have on career choices and personality.

D. The studies were problematic because twins aren't necessarily identical.

2-Which of the following statements would likely be made by a manager who practices the broaden-and-build model?

A. Moody people are more likely to affect others. Their moodiness can spread to everyone around them leading to a toxic workplace.

B. Emotions have no place in the workplace. To build a productive workforce employees should keep their emotions to themselves.

C. Emotions are part of the working environment and experience with emotions at work should be used positively in creating a better working environment.

D. Because emotions and moods are contagious, only positive emotions should be fostered at work. Negative emotions should be left at home.

3-You are the director of admissions at a business school who is in charge of adult learners. Many adult learners are continuing their studies after years of being out of school. As a practitioner of emotional intelligence, which statements would you not make in order to make a prospective student feel comfortable?

A. "I know that coming back to school after all this time can be very scary."

B. "School is going to be a lot different for you this time around. You'll be surprised at what you've picked up while you have been dealing with real life."

C. "You've made an excellent decision to continue your education. Get over your fears and just do it."

D. "You'll be surprised to learn how many people are in your shoes. You'll be going to school with peers who will become your friends and colleagues."

4-One of the primary considerations that leaders must keep in mind when working with diverse workforces is

A. articulating a vision.

B. respecting differences.

C. favoring individuals from underrepresented groups.

D. the need to belong.

5-Jeff wants his employees to be mindful. Which of the following is not a step in the mindfulness coaching process:

A. Based on your preparation, start with an empty mind

B. Be nonreactive

C. Always be thinking about what you are going to say next

D. Practice permissive attention

6-Michaela wants to create a shared culture that all followers can embrace regardless of gender race or ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, and/or disability status. Which of the following statements should she be cognizant of?

A. She should balance needs of organization and employees

B. She should focus solely on the needs of the organization

C. She should focus solely on her needs

D. She should focus solely on the needs of her employees

7-You are attempting to set your best friend up on a date on the assumption that opposites attract. You know that your best friend is: the life of the party; down-to-earth and grounded; does almost everything by the book; and can be relied upon to settle arguments. If she has a fault, she can be impatient and sometimes it's either her way or the highway. What MBTI type are you looking for (in other words, what is the opposite personality type)?





8-Which of the following is not true of affective events theory?

A. Integrates personality, emotions, and moods

B. Deals with emotional intelligence development

C. Considers impact of work environment on affect

D. Considers events that trigger emotional reactions

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Operation Management: Which of the following is true with respect to the
Reference No:- TGS02893708

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