1. Test marketing _____.
A. identifies two or more segments within the market for a particular company’s products.
B. provides information for decisions on product improvements and new-product introductions.
C. includes choosing and evaluating locations, channels, and distribution partners.
D. focuses on database development through optical scanning at the point of purchase.
E. involves understanding how one’s target consumers behave as shoppers, in different channels and formats, and leveraging this intelligence to the benefit of all stakeholders.
2. Which of the following is true of marketing research?
A. It is typically conducted for branding of new products but not for existing products.
B. It can be applied to a variety of problems including price, product and promotion, but excluding place.
C. Theoretical research plays no role in marketing research.
D. It draws heavily on the social sciences, both for methods and theory.
E. Marketing research investigations that focus on topics such as trade area analysis and store image/perception are categorized as promotional research methodologies.
3. Qualitative research is likely to prove most efficient when the research objective is to:
A. find the average number of cups of coffee taken by the employees of a particular organization.
B. determine the magnitude of a response.
C. calculate the mode of a set of numerical data.
D. understand a cultural phenomenon.
E. calculate the distance between the smallest and largest values in a set of responses.
4. The categorization and coding of data is part of the theory development process in qualitative data analysis.
5. Which of the following is a disadvantage of the online survey method?
A. The probability of the occurrence of the nonresponse bias is high.
B. They prove to be more expensive per respondent than other survey methods.
C. They cannot randomize the order of questions within a group.
D. Coding is mandatory for online resources which complicates things.
E. They are very time consuming due to which quick data collection is not possible.