Question 1: Which of the following is the most difficult to estimate term in the economic gain formula?
A. Average tenure of employees.
B. Number of applicants.
C. Dollar value of job performance.
D. Cost per applicant.
Question 2: From the newcomer's perspective, likely components for inclusion in the socialization process include addressing _________.
A. performance proficiency
B. organization goals and values
C. politics
D. all of the above are correct
Question 3: Economic separation costs associated with voluntary turnover include ________.
A. hiring inducements
B. rehiring costs
C. manager's time
D. more than one of the above
Question 4: Which of the following must report to the EEOC annually?
A. all employers
B. private employers with over 100 employees (50 for federal contractors)
C. private employers with over 1000 employees (500 for federal contractors)
D. only organizations with federal contracts
Question 5: Long-term variable pay plans provide employees ownership opportunities as the value of the organization increases are applicable only in the ____.
A. public sector
B. private sector
C. technology sector
D. none of the above
Question 6: If an organization wishes to comply with the law and still increase the diversity of its workforce, it should ___________.
A. de-emphasize selection based on KSAOs
B. use recruitment as a tool for attracting a more diverse and qualified applicant pool
C. use clinical and other subjective prediction methods
D. all of the above
Question 7: As organization size increases, the likelihood that there will be a highly centralized HR department _________.
A. increases
B. decreases
C. stays about the same
D. none of the above
Question 8: A _____ contract provides certainty to both the new hire and the organization regarding the length of the employment relationship.
A. variable premium
B. fixed annuity
C. fixed-term
D. latent variable
Question 9: Human resources information systems have been used for which of the following functions?
A.EEO data analysis and reports
B. employee succession planning
C. databases of job titles and responsibilities
D. all of the above
Question 10: In terms of who should participate in selection decision making (i.e., HR professionals vs. line managers), HR professionals would be least likely to ________.
A. make the hiring decision
B. establish selection procedures
C. ensure relevant laws and regulations are being followed
D. represent the interests of employees to management
Question 11: Consideration in a contract entails __________.
A. evidence that both parties agree to the terms as offered
B. a polite exchange of information
C. the exchange of something of value between the parties to the contract
D. none of the above
Question 12: Number of positions filled and job performance are examples of __________ staffing metrics.
A. cost
B. timeliness
C. outcomes
D. reactions
Question 13: Which of the following is an example of a major employee offense?
A. sabotage
B. theft
C. drug/alcohol abuse at work
D. all of the above
Question 14: An applicant who is not hired but who would have performed successfully if hired is a _______.
A. true positive
B. false positive
C. true negative
D. false negative
Question 15: Turnover due to organizational downsizing is classified as ______.
A. voluntary
B. involuntary
C. supplemental
D. it depends on the circumstances of the downsizing
Question 16: Which of the following is an attribute of a low value employee that an organization would not want to prevent from leaving?
A. little intellectual capital
B. high seniority
C. high performance
D. all of the above
Question 17: When using ___________, finalists are banded together into rank-ordered categories.
A. ranking
B. random selection
C. clinical prediction
D. grouping
Question 18: Downsizing is typically a reflection of __________.
A. overstaffing
B. understaffing
C. an appropriate staffing level
D. none of the above
Question 19: Which of the following functions are most likely to be outsourced?
A. recruiting creative talent for an advertising agency
B. screening registered nurses for a long-term care facility
C. recruiting and selecting individuals for teams
D. providing employee orientation
Question 20: One problem that has been shown to accompany downsizing is _____.
A. increased payroll costs
B. decreases in employee health and motivation
C. most companies fail to downsize sufficiently
D. insufficient attention to issues of seniority
Question 21: In a ________ analysis, the target employee population is split in half, and the new HR program is initiated with only one of these halves.
A. longitudinal
B. split-sample
D. factor
Question 22: Which of the following is not a part of normal progressive discipline?
A. Give employees notice of the rules of conduct
B. Provide employees with alternative employment if performance problems persist
C. Allow for full investigation of alleged employee misconduct
D. Give employees the right to appeal a decision
Question 23: The most sensible approach for addressing the issue of applicant truthfulness would be to ________.
A. receive applicant information in good faith since the majority of applicants will be honest and it is not fair to inconvenience everyone with more verification because of a few "bad apples."
B. treat applicants with trust and they will respond with honesty in most cases.
C. have applicants provide independent, third-party documentation of all job information provided on application blanks.
D. verify the applicant information provided that is deemed most vital
Question 24: In which of the following assessment procedures is the participation of line managers most needed?
A. Initial assessment
B. Substantive methods
C. Discretionary methods
D. Background investigations
Question 25: What proportion of disputes that begin the EEOC mediation process are eventually resolved through mediation?
A. fewer than 10%
B. more than 10%, but fewer than half
C. more than half
D. the EEOC has no mediation procedure
Question 26: The _________ method of determining an applicant's score is based on assigning weights by statistical procedures and then adding predictor scores together.
A. multiple regression
B. clinical prediction
C. unit weighting
D. none of the above
Question 27: As a general rule concerning job offers, it can be said that __________.
A. "low ball" job offers are expensive to the organization
B. "competitive" job offers have no important drawbacks
C. "competitive" job offers tend to leave room to negotiate
D. "competitive" offers usually stimulate the most positive reactions on the part of offer recipients
Question 28: The delivery of newcomer socialization should be the responsibility of __________.
A. his/her supervisor
B. a mentor or sponsor
C. the HR department
D. all of the above
Question 29: From a legal standpoint, if performance appraisal information is to be used in the retention management and termination process for an organization, the organization needs to ensure that the information is _____.
A. organizationally relevant
B. sufficiently general to cover a variety of situations
C. communicated in advance to the employee
D. all of the above
Question 30: Which of the following statements about negligent hiring lawsuits against employers is accurate?
A. monetary damages are usually leveled against the employee found to be at fault
B. the plaintiff must present evidence the injury or harm was a foreseeable consequence of hiring the unfit employee
C. the employer has the initial burden to present evidence of proper hiring practice in such cases
D. suits of this kind are decreasing as companies in the private sector recognize the liabilities involved