
Which of the following is the most accurate statement from


Which of the following is currently organized outside the US Department of Defense?

Defense Intelligence Agency

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

National Security Agency

United States Coast Guard

Which of the following did the US Supreme Court rule regarding legal rights and detainees held by the US government as "enemy combatants"?

Detainees had the right to a trial in a federal court

Detainees had the right to file a write of habeas corpus

Foreign governments had the right to challenge their detention

The US government had the right to withhold classified evidence

Which of the following are included in Executive Order 13491 issued by President Obama shortly after taking office?

All US Department of Defense secret detention facilities must be closed

Interrogations must conform to the US Army Field Manual for Interrogations

The Central Intelligence Agency must cease all renditions of detainees

The International Committee of the Red Cross had access to ill detainees

Which of the following is true about the two main sides of the public debate in the US regarding torture?

Both sides agreed that coercion was immoral, but they disagreed as to whether it was torture.

Both sides agreed that coercive techniques had led to unique intelligence, but they disagreed as to whether it was worth it.

Both sides agreed that torture and coercion was the same thing, but they disagreed as to whether it was legal.

Both sides agreed that torture protected our national security, but disagreed as to whether it damaged our foreign alliances.

Which of the following is one of the reasons why Congress has resisted reforming its approach toward the US Intelligence Community?

Congress does not wish to implement new oversight measures on the Intelligence Community.

Congress does not wish to increase the bureaucracy to which the Intelligence Community is subject.

Congress wishes to ensure the Intelligence Community responds to the interests of policy makers.

Congress wishes to refrain from over influencing the Intelligence Community.

At which point do terrorists enter the triangle of communication?





Which of the following is an argument against the idea that publicity is a universal terrorist goal?

All terrorists already have their own publicity mechanisms

Modern technology has greatly increased the costs of publicity

Modern terrorists are more motivated to commit terror than gain publicity

Oppressive governments are the most susceptible to publicity

Which of the following is a problem that occurs when the media treats the spokespersons for terrorist organizations the same as the spokespersons for state security organizations?

It decreases the legitimacy of the state government

It increases the terrorist organization's respectability

It oversimplifies complex issues

It reduces recognition for counterterrorism officials

Which of the following is the most accurate statement from our course regarding how media affects the terrorist contagion?

Research shows a direct correlation between media coverage and decreased terrorist activity.

Research shows a direct correlation between media coverage and increased terrorist activity.

Terrorist organizations adopt methods that achieve the best results in terms of media coverage.

Terrorist organizations avoid methods that attract too much media attention to their cause.

Which of the following is the best defense of media coverage of terrorism?

The media has an obligation to represent the perspectives of state governments.

The media in a free market must pursue ratings in order to survive.

The media must always treat terrorist organizations as equal to security organizations.

The media plays an important role in informing the public about threats to security.V1-

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Dissertation: Which of the following is the most accurate statement from
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