
Which of the following is not contained in the eis tort law

1. Which of the following is not contained in the EIS?

A. a statement of any adverse negative environment impacts that cannot be avoided if the proposal is carried out.

B. alternatives to the proposal, including taking no action.

C. both a and b.

D. none of the above.

2. Tort law was an ineffective means of controlling pollution because

A. many times judges would grant only permanent damages rather than an injunction as a remedy, and this remedy allowed the pollution to continue.

B. many times the pollution was a public nuisance, for which a suit could be filed only by a public official, and such officials were often reluctant to sue a company which provided jobs for the community.

C. proof in these cases was often difficult.

D. all of the above.

3. The courts initially supported the attempt by the EPA to weaken New Source Review under the Clean Air Act, but in 2006 reversed their earlier holding to prevent a significant weakening of the act.



4. One of the reasons for the ineffectiveness of early air pollution control legislation was that these laws imposed such strict standards on the states that the states rebelled and did not even attempt to meet these standards.



5. In 2008, a court held that the Clean Air Mercury Rule violated the Clean Air Act.



6. Originally, the Acid Rain program focused on NOx levels, and not SO2 levels.



7. "Sick building syndrome"

A. is a phrase used to describe buildings before their construction is completed.

B. is often a result of poor ventilation.

C. can lead to impairment of the nervous system and cancer.

D. both b and c

8. Which was not an early act regulating air quality?

A. Air Pollution Control Act of 1955.

B. Motor Vehicle Control Act of 1960.

C. Clean Air Act of 1963.

D. none of the above.

9. Which of the following is not currently regulated as a hazardous air pollutant?

A. radionuclides.

B. vinyl chloride.

C. Both of the above are regulated.

D. d. Neither of the above are regulated.

10. Under the 1977 Clean Air Act amendments, air quality regions classified as Class II:

A. already met the NAAQSs.

B. would be allowed to degrade so long as it still met the NAAQSs.

C. would not be allowed to degrade any further.

D. both a and b.

11. Reformulated gasoline

A. is a type of gasoline that produces no pollution.

B. is a problem-free way to reduce pollution.

C. is used in smoggy areas to reduce pollutant emissions.

D. uses only the oxygenate MTBE to make fuels cleaner.

12. Acid rain

A. would not exist in the absence of man-made emissions of sulfur.

B. occurs only in industrialized areas.

C. is a difficult problem to solve because there is a lack of agreement as to the severity of the problem, the best way to solve the problem, and what ph level warrants the designation acid rain.

D. none of the above.

13. Which of the following is not a waterborne disease?

A. cholera

B. typhoid fever.

C. shigellosis.

D. none of the above.

14. The MCL for drinking water

A. is determined by the EPA and is stricter than the MCLG.

B. takes into account the feasibility of attaining the standard.

C. must be developed for pollutants on the Contaminant Candidate List (CCL).

D. both a and c.

15. When states are designating streams and lakes for uses, the waterways that must become the cleanest are those designated for

A. recreational use.

B. public water supply.

C. agricultural use.

D. industrial use.

16.  BOD:

A. is a measure of the oxygen demand of microorganisms in the water as they break down organic material.

B. which is too high will result in a loss of many species of fish, such as trout, which require a more significant quantity of dissolved oxygen than so-called "garbage" fish or bottom-feeders such as shad.

C. is one measure of how polluted a body of water is.

D. all of the above.

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Operation Management: Which of the following is not contained in the eis tort law
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