Question 1
This Justice for All Act resulted from a compromise between the National Victim Constitutional Amendment Network and its opposition:
Crime Victims' Rights Act
National Victims' Voice Act
Survivors' Responsibilities Act
Victims of Violence Act
Question 2
Which of the following is considered a victim's right gained at the expense of criminal justice agencies and officials?
The close of legal loopholes
Elimination of early release
Notification of required appearances
Conviction without unreasonable delay
Question 3
This type of justice relies on force and revenge in place of negotiation and compromise:
Restorative justice
Informal justice
Retributive justice
Conciliatory justice
Question 4
According to the individualist rationale for self defense:
A citizen does not have to yield to those who encroach on his or her autonomy
Force against an attacker is permissible because injuries to an aggressor are deserved
Use of force is only permissible when one reasonably believes that his or her life is in danger
Resistance to attack is justified as a way to preserve law and order
Question 5
Incidents of retaliatory violence are measured by:
The Uniform Crime Report
The National Crime Victimization Survey
The National Crime Prevention Council
Retaliatory violence is not currently measured.
Question 6
This type of justice praises mediation, negotiation, and constructive engagement:
Restorative justice
Informal justice
Retributive justice
Conciliatory justice
Question 7
Derived from Native American tribal culture in the United States and Canada, _________ comprise the victim and his or her support system, the offender and his or her family, and the community.
conflict resolution
family group conferencing
peacemaking circles
Question 8
The Maori developed _________, which is/are commonly used today to resolve child delinquency cases in New Zealand and Australia.
conflict resolution
family group conferencing
peacemaking circles
Question 9
Reconciliation is the desired outcome of a process that has these four distinct phases, in order:
Preparation, case selection, mediation, monitoring
Monitoring, case selection, preparation, mediation
Mediation, monitoring, preparation, case selection
Case selection, preparation, mediation, monitoring
Question 10
Mediation would best benefit a victim who:
Desires revenge
Feels he is completely blameless
Is dissatisfied with formal justice
All of the above.