
Which of the following is an example of real property

Business Ethics

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following describes metaethics?
a) It compares and contrasts different ethical systems, codes, practices, and beliefs.
b) It attempts to form into a related whole the various norms, rules, and values of a society's morality.
c) It attempts to justify the basic principle of morality.
d) It analyzes hidden presuppositions and brings them to light for critical scrutiny

2. What does it mean for an action to be subjectively right?
a) An action is subjectively right if it is in conformity with the moral law.
b) An action is subjectively right if a person believes that the action is moral.
c) An action is subjectively right if it promotes the greater good.
d) An action is subjectively right if it advances one's own self-interest.

3. Which level in Kohlberg's is the least attained?3.
a) fourth level
b) third level
c) second level
d) first level

4. Which of the following was a hedonistic utilitarian that argued that we should consider intensity, duration, certainty, propinquity, and fecundity when performing an analysis?
a) John Stuart Mill
b) Jeremy Bentham
c) Immanuel Kant
d) John Rawls

5. For someone in the Kantian tradition, to be moral is the same as being which of the following?
a) Emotional
b) Free
c) Rational
d) Obedient

6. According to Kant, the first form of the Categorical Imperative is which of the following?
a) Act so that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in that of another, always as an end and never as a means only.
b) Act only in that way that you would want another to act toward you.
c) Act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law
d) Act only so that the will through its maxims could regard itself at the same time as universally lawgiving.

7. Which of the following are strictly legal rights?
a) Civil rights
b) Positive rights
c) Negative rights
d) Special rights

8. Which of the following would be the conclusion a virtue ethicist might make of one who reacts to strong temptation by frequently giving in to it?
a) The person has an excellent character.
b) The person has a weak character.
c) The person has a strong character.
d) The person has an immoral character.

9. Which of the following describes a moral ideal?
a) A pleasure or happiness
b) A goal toward which we can strive
c) A disposition
d) A talent or ability

10. Which of the following is not meant by being "morally responsible" for an action?

a) I performed the action.
b) I did not perform the action.
c) I performed the action knowingly
d) I performed the action willingly.

11. Which of the following economic systems did not exist prior to the industrial revolution?
a) Feudalism
b) Totalitarianism
c) Capitalism
d) Democracy

12. Which of the following is the general obligation derived from the system of free enterprise that holds that parties must be able to count on the actions of other agents with whom they interact?

a) The obligation to do no harm
b) The obligation to live up to the contracts into which one enters freely
c) The obligation to be fair in the transactions in which it engages
d) The obligation not to undermine the freedom and values of the system

13. Which of the following is a moral basis for disclosure of corporate information?
a) Each person has the right to know those actions of others that could benefit him.
b) Each person has the right to any information about a company he desires.
c) Each person has the right to enter a transaction fairly and thus is required to inform c. others of his intent.
d) Each person has the right to know those actions of others that will serious and adversely d. affect him.

14. What is the term that refers to compensation given the family of a CEO in the event that he dies in office?
a) The golden coffin
b) The golden parachute
c) The golden egg
d) The golden will

15. What is the third step in the assessment of safety?
a) Deciding how much safety is demanded with respect to a particular product or activity
b) Determining how much safety is attainable and how to attain it in a given endeavor
c) Ascertaining whether a particular instance of a product or activity comes up to standards of safety
d) Lowering the level of risk until it is found, by the ordinary person, to be acceptable

16. Which of the following is an example of preventing pollution at its source?
a) Reimbursing those harmed for the harm done
b) Disposing of the pollution in an appropriate way
c) Not allowing the pollution to develop
d) Properly creating a "paper trace" to track pollution

17. Whistle-blowing is often thought to indicate the falsity of which common myth?
a) The Myth of Stakeholder Interest
b) The Myth of Amoral Business
c) The Myth of Moral Business
d) The Myth of Shareholder Interest

18. Which are the only two developed nations that allow direct-to-consumer advertising of pharmaceutical drugs?
a) United States and Great Britain
b) United States and New Zealand
c) United States and Germany
d) United States and Canada

19. Which of the following is the argument offered against direct marketing in the form of junk mail?
a) It is a waste and misuse of paper, adding to the depletion of forests and overtaxing a. landfills.
b) It is an invasion of privacy.
c) It is time consuming and intrusive.
d) It is a significant inconvenience because of the considerable volume.

20. Which of the following is true about affirmative action?
a) Qualified women and minority members cannot be given preference on the basis of sex or race.
b) Affirmative action justifies hiring unqualified women or minority members in preference to men.
c) Preferential hiring is a mandatory way of making adequate progress toward achieving affirmative-action goals.
d) Qualified women and minority members can morally be given preference in order to achieve affirmative action goals.

21. Which of the following is a Kantian argument against discrimination?
a) Since the least advantaged in a society would be better off in a nondiscriminatory society than in one that discriminates, the rational person would see that nondiscrimination is morally preferable.
b) People are treated as members of class with a certain characteristic, not as persons.They are not ends in themselves, but because of that characteristic, they are denied equal treatment and respect.
c) The dominant class has a desire to maintain its superiority and its class prerogatives.
d) Systematic discrimination produces a class of people who are arguably treated unjustly. Other groups in the society will also have cause to worry about whether they will be the next group to be discriminated against. On the whole, more harm than good is done.

22. Which of the following is an example of real property?
a) Land, buildings, and additions on the land
b) Money, stocks, bonds, financial securities
c) Expressions of ideas, inventions, discoveries
d) Some physical item that we can touch, though not usually land and buildings

23. Which of the following is not covered by the doctrine of fair use?
a) Scholarly criticism and scholarship
b) Research
c) News reporting
d) Using copies instead of assigning a text

24. Accessing pornographic sites while at work can constitute sexual harassment for which of the following reasons?
a) It can be offensive to coworkers.
b) It can take too much time away from work activities.
c) It can produce a sexually hostile environment.
d) It can suggest a quid pro quo to coworkers.

25. Which of the following can be true or false and tends to obscure the issue and location of truth?
a) Facts
b) Information
c) Data
d) Mistakes


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Marketing Research: Which of the following is an example of real property
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