
Which of the following is an element of the scientific


1. The layer of gray matter that covers the surface of the brain is called the:
A. olfactory bulb
B. cerebrum
C. cerebral cortex
D. cerebellum

2. How can a forensic anthropologist tell if damages to a bone constitutes a premortem (antemortem) or perimortem injury?
A. if there is no evidence of healing, then the damage constitutes a perimortem injury.
B. if there is no evidence of disease in that area of the bone, then the damage constitutes a perimortem injury
C. if there is no evidence of repetitive injury, then the damage constitutes a premortem injury
D. if there is evidence that the injury occurred after death, then the damage constitutes a perimortem injury.

3. researchers interested in evolutionary ecology often conduct studies of traditional hunter-gatherer and small agriculture societies because such societies are
A. easier to study than larger societies
B. more common
C. similiar to the original human societies
D.the easiest to study using quantitive methods

4. which type of scientist is more likely to be consulted by police when recent skeletal remains are discovered?
A. an archaeologist
B. a forensic anthropologist
C. a biomedical anthropologist
D. a molecular anthropologist

5. natural selection can be summarized by which statement?
A. all species are fixed
B. organisms transform and pass these transformations on thier offspring.
C. a divine creator creates all species according to an unknowable plan
D. within a population, some variations are favored by environmental conditions and other are not.

6. a forensic anthropologist is trying to determine the sex of a victim based on skeletal remains. which part of the body should this forensic anthropologist examine first?
A. the teeth or the ribs
B. the pelvis or the skull
C. the long bones in the arm
D. the hands or the feet.

7. what is the secular trend in growth?
A. the trend for fewer and fewer birth defects to occur in industralized nations
B. the trend for women to enter menopause at an earlier age in industrialized nations
C. the trend for children to grow larger and more rapidly in industrialized nations.
D. the trend for men to enter senescence at a later age in industrialized nations.

8. primatologist Robin Dunbar posits that language may have evolved to replace in large hominin societies.
A. conflict
B. sex
C. throwing
D. grooming

9. which of the following is an element of the scientific method?
D.all of these

10. cross-cultural universals include
A. language
B. a system of kinship
C. the organization of society along sex and gendor lines
D. all of the these

11. encephalization quotient is a measure of
A.brain weight
B.brain size in inches
C.the ratio of actual brain size to the expected size
D.the weight of the brain divided by the brain's size in inches

12. culture can be defined as the sum total of a group of people.
A. learned traditions
B. genetically inherited behaviors
C. universal taboos
D. biological traits

13. the three main principle of evolutionary psychology include the idea that
A. human behavior is produced by a mind that is a flexible, general purpose device.
B. behaviors cannot be understood as adaptations
C. culture is more important than biology when trying to understand human behavior
D. human behavior evolved in the content of relatively small groups

14. an organisms (Darwinian) fitness can be best measured by observing it's
C.number of offspring
D. color

15. Edward O. Wilson defined sociobiology as the science of
A.the biological basis of social behavior
B. the effect of cultural on biology
C. the effect of society on culture and biology
D. the sociological basis of biological evolution

16. as our immune system evolove to become more effective at battling disease, parasites and pathogens are:
A.dying off rapidly without human host
B.going dormant, waiting for the aging process to weaken our immune system
C.becoming nearly harmless to humans
D.evolving to overcome our defenses.

17. an anthropologist is observing a contemporary population of huntergatherers to determine which ecological factors affect the reproductive success of the community members. this anthropoligist is using to understand human behavior.
a. human evolutionay ecology
B. evolutionary psychology
C. paleontological reconstructions
D. linguistic theory

18. biological anthropologist employ a unifying set of biological principals to discuss how our species came to be the way it is today. this set of principle is known as

19. the ''typical' human brain has a volume of

20. which of the following best defines anthropology?
a. the study of non-human primate, thier anatomy, and thier evolution.
b. the study of ancient humans
c. a study of humanity focusing on it's biological and genetic aspects
d. the study of humankind in all it's form

21. which species has the highest encephalization quoptient (EQ) among primates?
a. gorillas
B. chimpanzees
C. gibbons
D. humans

22. ultimately, our complex social behaviors (in human) can be attributed to
A. tool use
B. language
C. bipedalism
D. the fact that we are mammals

23. which anthropologist below best illustrates the practices of biomedical anthropology?
A. an anthropologist is examining the emergence of written language a within a culture
B. an anthropologist is examining the rate of disease within a population
C. an anthropologist is examining stone tools to determine thier age
D. an anthropologist is examining fossilized remains in order to determine thier stages of human evolution.

24. which statement below best describes the evolution of the human brain?
A. the human brain has reorganized over time but, has maintained the same absolute size
B. the human brain has expanded over time but has maintained the same organization.
C. the human brain has expanded and reorganized over time
D. the human brain has expanded but has decreased in encephalization over time

25. which hominin has the smallest absolute brain size?
A. modern homo sapiens
B. Homo Erectus
C. Australopithecus
D. Neandertals.

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Dissertation: Which of the following is an element of the scientific
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