
Which of the following is an advantage of using an external

Multiple Choice Questions 

1. Which of the following is an advantage of using an external recruiting agency? 

A. it ensures consistency from opening to closing

B. it is useful for companies too small to have dedicated recruiters

C. it is very inexpensive

D. all of the above 

2. Which of the following are advantages of centralized recruitment? 

A. duplications of effort are reduced

B. increased responsiveness to immediate needs

C. closer links to day-to-day operations

D. decreased costs in the centralized HR function 

3. Which of the following are components of a well-developed recruiting requisition? 

A. quantity of labor to be hired

B. affirmative action compliance methods

C. list of selection methods to be used

D. all of the above 

4. Which of the following is not one of the major areas written into recruiting budgets? 

A. website development and administration

B. costs of signing bonuses

C. time spent making personal contacts and following up with candidates

D. bringing candidates onsite 

5. A recruiting requisition is ________________________. 

A. a formal document that authorizes the filling of a job opening

B. a flowchart that enumerates costs of each selection tool

C. a formal document that details the process to be followed to attract applicants to a job

D. a description of the costs and benefits of various methods of selection

6. A recruitment guide is ________________________. 

A. a formal document that authorizes the filling of a job opening

B. a flowchart that enumerates costs of each selection tool

C. a document that details the process to be followed to attract applicants to a job

D. a description of the costs and benefits of various methods of selection

7. Research suggests that an ideal recruiter has ________________________. 

A. strong interpersonal skills

B. knowledge about the organization

C. extensive knowledge about the job

D. all of the above 

 8. What are the two major strategies for recruiting? 

A. open or shut

B. proactive or pensive

C. open or targeted

D. general or targeted 

9. Which of the following is an advantage of open recruiting? 

A. it is seen as more fair

B. it ensures a diverse set of applicants

C. a small set of qualified applicants is considered

D. both a and b 

10. Which of the following is an advantage of targeted recruiting? 

A. it is seen as more fair

B. it ensures a diverse set of applicants

C. a small set of qualified applicants is considered

D. both a and b 

11. Which situation most strongly calls for open recruitment? 

A. a small number of applicants are required

B. specific skill sets are needed

C. pre-entry qualifications are not important

D. the organization is downsizing

12. Which situation most strongly calls for targeted recruitment? 

A. a small number of applicants are required

B. specific skill sets are needed

C. pre-entry qualifications are not important

D. the organization is downsizing 

13. The recruitment approach in which an organization identifies those segments of the labor market where qualified candidates are likely to be is called __________. 

A. targeted recruitment

B. job requirements matrix recruitment

C. geographic area recruitment

D. strategic recruitment 

14. Which of the following is an appropriate use of targeted recruiting? 

A. Using non-traditional sources to enhance minority hiring.

B. Broadening the geographical recruitment area to control selection costs.

C. Eliminating recruitment sources to minimize yield ratios.

D. Using demographics to avoid certain classes of potential applicants.

15. Which of the following are not components of a strong corporate recruiting website? 

A. exciting flash graphics presentations of opportunities

B. detailed information on career opportunities

C. résumé builders

D. self-assessment inventories 

16. A study of the best practices of the Web sites of 140 high-profile organizations indicates that one of the features of a high-impact Web site is ____________. 

A. a job cart function

B. personal search engines

C. self-assessment inventories

D. all of the above

17. Which of the following statements about using employee referrals is true? 

A. those recruited by employee referrals tend to be less committed

B. those recruited by referrals are more qualified and committed

C. referral programs may be effective, but few are hired in this way

D. over 80% of organizations provide incentives for referrals 

18. Which of the following statements is false? 

A. many employment sites now offer the ability to create and approve job requisitions online

B. employment sites sometimes cross-list jobs with local newspapers

C. at any given time there are millions of résumés available on employment websites

D. none of these statements is false 

19. College placement offices are used because ___________. 

A. they reach individuals with diverse levels of skills for all job types

B. it really doesn't matter which college you recruit from because they're all the same

C. it's fast and easy to establish relationships with campus recruiting offices

D. campus recruiting efforts are seen as more credible than websites or bulletin boards 

20. The more broadly transmitted the organization's search methods, the more likely that a ____________ will be attracted to apply. 

A. highly eager group of applicants

B. relatively homogenous population of individuals

C. uniformly high quality of individuals

D. large number of individuals

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HR Management: Which of the following is an advantage of using an external
Reference No:- TGS0790472

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