
Which of the following is a non-founder religionthe

Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)

1. Which of the following is a non-founder religion?

a. Christianity
b. Buddhism
c. Confucianism
d. None of the above.

2. .

a. non-homogeneous reality
b. conditioned reality
c. unconditioned reality
d. all of the above

3. According to the text, Unconditioned Reality is no different than

a. Divine or Ultimate Reality
b. Homogeneous Reality
c. Maya
d. All of the above.

4. Joachim Wach's theoretical expression deals with

a. what is done in religion
b. what is said in religion
c. kinds of groups formed by religion
d. All of the above.

5. Joachim Wach's sociological expression deals with

a. what is done in religion
b. what is said in religion
c. kinds of groups formed by religion
d. All of the above.

6. Joachim Wach's practical expression deals with

a. what is done in religion
b. what is said in religion
c. kinds of groups formed by religion
d. All of the above.
7. In Joachim Wach's sociological expression, religion's structures fall into which type?
a. Church
b. Sect
c. Cult
d. All of the above.

8. "Prehistoric religion" societies were:

a. organized as tribes or clans
b. non I iterate
c. hunter gatherers
d. All of the above.

9. Deus otiosus means:

a. open god
b. god
c. powerful god
d. resting god

10. Which festival did May Day, the White Lady, and the Maypole grow out of?

a. Beltane
b. Saturnalia
c. Samhain
d. All of the above.

11. The Japanese myth of Kojiki suggests that:

a. archaic Japanese people did not believe in shamans.
b. the development of agriculture in Japan was accompanied by a sense of religious guilt for having violated the earth.
c. women were the dominant hunters in archaic Japanese society.
d. archaic Japanese people originally worshipped a high creator god but then moved to the worship of plants and animals

12. A shaman is distinguished from a priest or a sorcerer by

a. dramatic quality of their performance
b. a call involving a spiritual ordeal of selection, testing, and remaking
c. receiving an assisting spirit
d. All of the above.

13. A(n) is a religious practitioner who goes to the spirit world or underworld in his/her trance.

a. possession shaman
b. exorcism priest
c. traveling shaman
d. None of the above.

14. Prior to leaving for the field, archaic hunters and gatherers may engage in which behaviors in order to prepare spiritually for the hunt?

a. Remain continent
b. Observe taboos of diet
c. Ritual dance
d. None of the above.

15. Stonehenge is an example of

a. Paleolithic architecture
b. Mesopotamian architecture
c. Megalithism architecture
d. None of the above.

16. The phallic pillar in Hinduism is called

a. Garbha
b. Lingam
c. Yoni
d. All of the above.

17. The phallic pillar in Hinduism rests on an oval base called

a. Garbha
b. Lingam
c. Yoni
d. All of the above.

18. The phallic pillar and the oval base are expressions of which deities?

a. Ganesha and Sita
b. Shakti and Shiva
c. Vishnu and Kali
d. None of the above.

19. Which is the order of the Four Stages of Life (ashramas)?

a. Son, Householder, Hermit, Renunciant
b. Son, Student, Householder, Renunciant
c. Student, Householder, Renunciant, Forest Dweller
d. Student, Householder, Hermit, Renunciant

20. Which of the following Vedas is the oldest and most important hymn sung to the gods while sacrifices were made?

a. Sama Veda
b. Rig Veda
c. Yajur Veda
d. Arthatva Veda

21. The Atman = Brahman relationship is found in which writing?

a. Brahmanas
b. Aranyakas
c. Upanishads
d. All of the above.

22. The road to enlightenment through powerful initiations, shock therapy techniques, the negation of conventional morals and manners, magical seeming acts and chants, and the use of sexual imagery and ritual is called

a. Bhakti
b. Advaita Vedanta
c. Tantrism
d. All of the above.

23. Which god is descended from Rudra?

a. Brahma
b. Shiva
c. Vishnu
d. None of the above.

24. Who believed in satyagraha and led a movement based on noncooperation, demonstrations, and ahimsa?

a. Nanak
b. M.K. Ghandi
c. Mahavira
d. All of the above.

25. Mahavira was the last in a series of Tirthankaras and founded

a. Sikhism
b. Jainism
c. Buddhism
d. None of the above.

Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)

1. The basic sociological fact in Buddhism is

a. Karma
b. Samgha
c. Mara
d. None of the above.

2. In Buddhism, what shapes destiny or can be considered practical destiny?

a. Karma
b. Samgha
c. Mara
d. All of the above.

3. Siddhartha's trips and sights of disease, old age, death, and monkhood resulted in

a. Three Jewels
b. Four Noble Truths
c. Three Refuges
d. All of the above.

4. What term means "Enlightened One" or "One who is awake?"

a. Sakyanmuni
b. Tathagata
c. Buddha
d. None of the above.

5. In Theravada Buddhism, which form of meditation explores the jhanas or higher states above matter and form?

a. Vipassana
b. Satori
c. Samadhi
d. All of the above.

6. In Theravada Buddhism, which form of meditation breaks through directly to Nirvana?

a. Vipassana
b. Satori
c. Samadhi
d. None of the above.

7. The great key figure in Mahayana thought is the enlightenment being called

a. Paramitas
b. Prajna
c. Prajnaparamita
d. Bodhisattva

8. Who successfully argued the case of the women who wished to become nuns to the Buddha?

a. Ananda
b. Mahaprajapati
c. Upali
d. All of the above.

9. Which of the following is a female Bodhisattva?

a. Kuan-yin
b. Guanyin
c. Kannon
d. All of the above.

10. Which of the following are part of Shintoism in Japan?

a. Toni
b. Kami
c. Matsuri
d. All of the above.

11. The gently curving archway into a Shinto shrine is called

a. Toni
b. Kami
c. Matsuri
d. None of the above.

12. Which religious founder was born in 551 B.C. in the state of Lu and was a member of the Ru class?

a. Siddhartha
b. Confucius
c. Laozi
d. All of the above.

13. In Confucian thought, one must be motivated by virtue called

a. Li
b. Ren
c. Jun-zi
d. All of the above.

14. Which of the following presented a doctrine of correspondences, in which humanity and nature are parts of an interwoven web, incorporating Daoist and other traditional motifs into Confucianism?

a. Xunzi
b. Mencius
c. Dong Zhongshu
d. None of the above.

15. Which of the following was the driving force of the Great Cultural Revolution and the Red Guards?

a. Mao Zedong
b. Pan Chao
c. Hong Xiuchan
d. None of the above.

16. Who wrote the Instructions for Women?

a. Ch'eng
b. Pan Chao
c. Sung Jochao
d. Lui Hsian

17. Who wrote the Classic of Filial Piety for Women?

a. Ch'eng
b. Pan Chao
c. Sung Jochao
d. Lui Hsian

18. In Shinto, the hall of worship is called:

a. Shintai
b. Gohei
c. Haiden
d. Heiden

19. Which of the following is a monotheistic faith?

a. Zoroastrianism
b. Sikhism
c. Islam
d. All of the above.

20. Which people were released by the Persian King Cyrus?

a. Zoroastrians
b. Judeans
c. Moslems
d. All of the above.

21. The high god in Zoroastrianism is called

a. Angra Mainyu/Ahriman
b. Amesha Spentas
c. Daeva
d. Ahura Mazda

22. The Holy Immortals in Zoroastrianism are called

a. Angra Mainyu/Ahriman
b. Amesha Spentas
c. Daeva
d. Ahura Mazda

23. The evil spirit/the Lie in Zoroastrianism is called

a. Angra Mainyu/Ahriman
b. Amesha Spentas
c. Daeva
d. Ahura Mazda

24. The priests in Zoroastrianism are called

a. Angra Mainyu/Ahriman
b. Amesha Spentas
c. Daeva
d. Mobeds

25. What monotheistic religions arose out of the middle east through the influence of Zoroastrianism?

a. Shinko, Shukyo, and Tendai
b. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
c. Konkokyo and Shingon
d. Hoa Hao and Cao Dai

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Mesopotamia, the Great Mother is called

a. Ashtoret
b. Tammuz
c. Sin
d. None of the above.

2. Which of the following is in the monotheistic story of the flood?

a. Noah
b. Utnapishtim
c. Cain and Abel
d. All of the above.

3. Which is the correct order of the first three Hebrew patriarchs?

a. Abraham, Jacob, Isaac
b. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob
c. Isaac, Jacob, Abraham
d. All of the above.

4. Which of the following Hebrews had risen to power in Egypt?

a. Abraham
b. Jacob
c. Isaac
d. Joseph

5. Which of the following Hebrews rose to power in Egypt but had to flee when he killed an Egyptian?

a. Saul
b. David
c. Aaron
d. Moses

6. God spoke to which of the following Hebrews through a burning bush?

a. Saul
b. David
c. Aaron
d. Moses

7. The Exodus from Egypt and God's sparing of the first born of the Israelites are celebrated in which Jewish festival?

a. Shavuot
b. Passover
c. Sukkot
d. None of the above.

8. Moses received the Ten Commandments from God at

a. The Red Sea
b. Midian
c. Mt. Sinai
d. All of the above.

9. The first Hebrew King is

a. Saul
b. Solomon
c. David
d. All of the above.

10. Who allowed Jewish exiles in Babylon to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple?

a. Sargon of Babylon
b. Ramses
c. Cyrus of Persia
d. None of the above.

11. Agricultural communes in Israel are called

a. Synagogues
b. Kibbutzim
c. Zionism
d. All of the above.

12. The ceremony when a Jewish boy reads from the Hebrew scriptures and becomes a man is called

a. Niddah
b. Ketubah
c. Agunah
d. Bar Mitzvah

13. The ceremony when a Jewish girl reads from the Hebrew scriptures and becomes a woman is called

a. Niddah
b. Ketubah
c. Bat (Bas) Mitzvah
d. Bar Mitzvah

14. The rules regarding menstruation are called

a. Niddah
b. Ketubah
c. Agunah
d. Bar Mitzvah

15. A Jewish woman who is not free to remarry because her husband refuses to provide the get is called

a. Niddah
b. Ketubah
c. Agunah
d. Bar Mitzvah

16. Which of the following could be said about Jesus of Nazareth?

a. Preached that the Kingdom of God was at hand

b. Performed miracles and healings
c. Taught in parables
d. All of the above.

17. The disciple who would not believe in the resurrection of Jesus until he put his hands in the wounds is

a. Pontius Pilate
b. Judas
c. Thomas
d. None of the above.

18. Which of the following Roman fought the Battle of the Milvian Bridge after seeing a vision of a cross in the sky and the letters, IHS?

a. Constantine
b. Maximin Daza
c. Licinius
d. All of the above.

19. Who sponsored a council of bishops which reaffirmed the Nicene Creed?

a. Constantinople
b. Ephesus
c. Chalcedon
d. Nicaea

20. Who is the major figure of scholasticism?

a. Averroes
b. Dante Alighieri
c. Francis of Assisi
d. Thomas Aquinas

21. Which of the following developed the doctrines of sola fides and sola scriptura?

a. John Hus
b. Martin Luther
c. John Calvin
d. John Wycliffe

22. Who wrote the Institutes of the Christian Religion?

a. John Hus
b. Martin Luther
c. John Calvin
d. John Wycliffe

23. Papal Infallibility was defined at which council?

a. Nicaea
b. Chalcedon
c. First Vatican Council
d. Second Vatican Council

24. The central theme of Protestantism is

a. salvation by God's grace through faith
b. salvation by God's grace through works
c. worship centered in the seven sacraments
d. sufficiency of scripture alone

25. Who is an Englishwoman who was married with no fewer than 14 children, began to live a celibate life, went on pilgrimages and underwent intensely emotional experiences?
a. Hildegaard of Bingen
b. St. Clare
c. Margery Kempe
d. Dame Julian of Norwich

Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)

1. Muslims believe that there is one deity known as and Muhammad is his

a. Yahweh; priest
b. The Father; Son
c. Allah; Prophet
d. Ahura Mazda; messenger

2. The imam in Islam is

a. a political figure chosen by God to rule
b. a priest with special intercessory powers
c. "deputies" of the Prophet
d. a learned teacher and preacher

3. According to the text, the largest single Muslim nation is:

a. Afghanistan
b. Pakistan
c. sub-Saharan Africa
d. Indonesia

4. Which day of the week did Muhammad declare to be a special day of prayer?

a. Sunday
b. Tuesday
c. Friday
d. Saturday

5. When did Muhammad live and Islam emerge?

a. Fifth century C.E.
b. Sixth century C.E.
c. Seventh century C.E.
d. Eighth century C.E.

6. The word Islam means

a. redemption
b. submission
c. faith
d. love

a. Muhammad's migration from Mecca to Yathrib (Medina)
b. the pagan shrine in Medina destroyed by Muhammad
c. Muhammad's doctrine of prayer
d. the name of a month long fast

According to the second pillar of Islam, Muslims must pray times a day.

a. 2
b. 5
c. 7
d. 10

9. Followers of the more mystical branch of Islam are known as:

a. sunnis
b. ismai I is
c. sufis
d. ashariyah

10. What does the Qur'an advise regarding polygyny?

a. Men should marry as many women as possible.
b. Men should only marry up to four wives.
c. Men should only choose one wife because it is almost impossible to treat all wives equally.
d. b and c only

11. Who is the beautiful young king who would return to reestablish the realm of happiness, peace, and abundance in western Irian Jaya?

a. Koreri
b. Konor
c. Mansren
d. Gaya

12. is an example of a religion that can be categorized under the "Accommodationist Movement".

a. The Church on Earth
b. The Family International
c. Spiritualism
d. The Temple of Isis

13. Which of the following is a new revelation sect type of new religions?

a. Ghost Dance
b. The Church on Earth
c. Shakers
d. International Society for Krishna Consciousness

14. In 1999 and 2000 gained worldwide attention because of its persecution as a dissident group by the Chinese government.

a. Baha'1
b. the Falun Gong
c. Shinto
d. Daoism

15. Which of the following is an "import religion"?

a. Ghost Dance

b. The Church on Earth
c. Shakers
d. International Society for Krishna Consciousness

16. is an up-to-date religion with youth rallies, marching bands, and an emphasis on chanting to receive worldy as well as spiritual benefits.

a. Falun Gong
b. Hare Krishna
c. Druid
d. Nichiren Shoshu

17. The foundational belief of most followers is that prior to the patriarchal revolution, men and women lived harmoniously with each other and with nature in egalitarian agrarian communities.

a. Hari Krishna
b. Goddess Movement
c. Falun Gong
d. The Church on Earth

18. Two subgroups of the Golden Age Movement are and

a. Voodoo; Santeria
b. Falun Gong; Hare Krishna
c. Feminist spirituality; Neo-pagan
d. Pentecostal; Nichiren

a. Reactive
b. Spirit
c. Hybrid
d. Golden Age

20. ,"the way of the saints," is a religious movement combining African and Roman Catholic features.

a. Santeria
b. Voodoo
c. Wicca
d. Bhakti

21. In , esho funi means that the inner and the outer are not separate

a. Nichiren Buddhism
b. Daoism
c. Taoism
d. None of the above.

22. Which of the following only allows female leadership?

a. Voodoo
b. Brahma Kumari
c. Millennialism
d. Tenrikyo

23. The movement was originally an important spiritual practice within Hinduism that's now been adopted in the West as a form of exercise.

a. yoga
b. hugging
c. chanting
d. All of the above.

24. New religions usually offer either a message.

a. progressivist-reform
b. purist-reform
c. All of the above.
d. None of the above.

25. In Movements, participants claim a special connection with beings from the spiritual realm.

a. Import
b. Goddess
c. Reactive
d. Spirit

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History: Which of the following is a non-founder religionthe
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