
Which of the following is a key factor in recognizing ones

1.Which of the following is a key factor in recognizing one's own and others' biases and prejudices?

A) Communication

B) Managed confrontational mediation

C) Cultural immersion

D) Venting differences

2.If a police agency embraced Heath's theory of perceived control, which of the following approaches would it take to releasing news stories?

A) Less news about crime in the community is the best approach because more crime news affects people's sense of safety and security

B) Seek news coverage on arrests but downplay crimes where no arrest is imminent

C) Give the media nothing except what they ask for

D) Police should encourage stories about crimes and criminals being arrested because to feel secure people need to believe the police have the upper hand on lawlessness.

3.What is the central goal of community policing and community partnership?

A) To establish a legal responsibility to each partner.

B) Improved accountability

C) Engagement

D) To establish and maintain trust.

4.What basic right(s) are victims of crime entitled to from the criminal justice system?

A) Right to obtain certain information from the criminal justice system.

B) Compensation.

C) Right to obtain certain information from the criminal justice system, and right to be treated humanely within the system.

D) Right to be treated humanely within the system

5.When giving interviews to the media, officers should speak in soundbites with the most important information provided at what point in the interview?

A) At the beginning, even if it means telling the story in reverse, with the conclusion before the background information.

B) Repeated at the beginning, in the middle and again at the end.

C) At the end for effect

D) In the middle, with some background given up front and again at the end

6.What has been the most recent innovation police agencies have used in disseminating information to the public?

A) Crimestoppers

B) Amber Alerts

C) Department websites

D) Social networking websites

7.Which of the following should not be released to the media?

A) Summary of what occurred related to the crime.

B) Description of suspects still at large

C) Names of adults arrested

D) Criminal history of persons arrested

8.In relation to people's judgments of the fairness of police procedures, which of the following is one element police officers need to consider in communicating with a person who is the focus of police attention?

A) Nothing an officer does can satisfy the person in this situation

B) The person wants to be allowed to explain his or her situation

C) The person wants deferential treatment by the officer

D) The person wants preferential treatment

9.Which police strategy combines use of police with mental health professionals combined with extensive training to safely deescalate situations involving people with mental illness?

A) All of these choices

B) Crisis intervention teams

C) Mental health community intervention teams

D) Mobile psychology teams

10.Why do partnerships usually result in a more effective solution to a problem?

A) Shared responsibilities, resources and goals

B) Mind-set and commitment

C) Politics

D) Empowerment of the police

11.When the media cover isolated, high-profile cases with the intent to influence operations of the criminal justice system and even disposition of individual cases, this is referred to as ________.

A) news media echo effect

B) perceived control theory

C) stereotyping

D) CSI effect

12.Which of the following is the current trend in disseminating information to media outlets?

A) The trend is moving away from designated public information officers (PIOs) to allowing any officer to talk with the media

B) The trend is to have only the chief or high-ranking officers do the interviews rather than a PIO.

C) The trend is for only supervisors on the scene to talk with the media, since they have more direct information than a PIO

D) The trend is to have the PIO do the interviews and to discourage or prohibit other officers from doing interviews

13.Research by Skogan and Frydl found that police are most likely to obtain cooperation if they engage in ________ policing and, in doing so, are attentive to the way they treat people, behaving in ways that positively influence the degree to which people perceive the procedures used as fair to people.

A) process-oriented

B) system-oriented

C) formula-oriented

D) procedure-oriented

14.Victims of crime often suffer from ________.

A) suicide/homicidal intent

B) memory loss

C) posttraumatic stress disorder

D) posttraumatic psychoses

15.What is one of the most common barriers, and the most serious, to effective communication?

A) Failure to look the person in the eyes

B) Communication intent

C) Failure to listen

D) Ineffective nonverbal communication.

16.What is the term used to describe how new immigrants arriving in the United States seek out others from their homeland and settle in enclaves with those of similar heritage?

A) Assimilation

B) Cultural singularism

C) Acculturation

D) Cultural pluralism

17.Which of the following steps need to be taken by a police agency to attack bias and overcome racial or ethnic barriers between police and community?

A) Implementing a zero tolerance policy

B) Training and education for both police and community

C) Developing outreach efforts to diverse communities to reduce crime victimization.

D) All of these choices

18.What occurs when several agencies and individuals commit to work and contribute resources to obtain a common goal?

A) Collaboration occurs

B) Reduced commitment of each partner

C) Politics become involved

D) Stakeholders are emboldened

19.Community prosecutors focus not on specific cases but on community issues and problems that often involve ________.

A) quality-of-life issues

B) civil suits

C) crisis counseling related to court intervention

D) disputes with police officers

20.Consistent with the theme that good police officers communicate well under stress, verbal judo (also referred to as tactical civility) is a communication technique that advocates police officers using which of the following when someone confronts them with verbal attacks?

A) Remain civil, get tough if necessary and then return to civility

B) Equal verbal response to that which is aimed at the officer

C) Be courteous but counter aggressive talk with equal force, yet never retreat to avoid further aggressiveness.

D) Progressively increased vocal assertion

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