Which of the following is a guideline for displaying text a

Question 1. Which of the following is an example of a form?
Pie chart
Mailing labels
An electronic spreadsheet
Weekly sales summaries by region and salesperson

Question 2. Which of the following best describes a business document that contains only predefined data?
Electronic spreadsheet
Turn-around document

Question 3. The major deliverables associated with the human interface design stage are
process models.
the baseline project plan and structure charts.
logic models.
design specifications.
program specifications.

Question 4. Providing a current date that identifies when the form or report was generated corresponds to the form and report guideline of
balance the layout.
design an easy navigation system.
include meaningful information.
use meaningful titles.
None of the above

Question 5. Which of the following is a guideline for displaying text?
Use double spacing if space permits.
Do not hyphenate words between lines.
Left-justify text and leave a ragged right margin.
Display text in mixed upper and lowercase, and use conventional punctuation.
All of the above

Question 6. Entering invalid data into a field describes

Question 7. If you would like the user to be able to trace back to where they once started, it would be necessary to utilize
cookie crumbs.
site markers.
network page markers.
object-oriented language design.
Hansel and Grettel design.

Question 8. A data model that represents data in the form of tables or relations is called a(n)
hierarchical database model.
network database model.
relational database model.
hybrid database model.
object-oriented database model.

Question 9. An attribute that appears as a nonkey attribute in one relation and as a primary key attribute (or part of a primary key) in another relation is a
foreign key.
candidate key.
relationship key.

Question 10. All of the following are types of file organizations except
None of the above.

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Business Management: Which of the following is a guideline for displaying text a
Reference No:- TGS02247973

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