
Which of the following examples honor families what is

1. What is a primary purpose for gathering self-report data on race identification in the US Census?
A. To determine how many minorities are currently residing in the United States
B. To learn which races are the most "majority" so that more focus can be placed on their needs
C. To inform policies and practices which are designed to reduce differences in opportunities and treatment of people
D. To learn which races are the "minority" so that more focus can be placed on their needs

2. What is an important first step in promoting anti-bias attitudes in early childhood settings?
A. Telling children that they need to ignore each other's differences
B. Authentically represent variety in the shades of skin tones represented in materials such as paints, markers, books, and images posted around the program or school.
C. Sitting children down individually to discuss their current attitudes and how they can be adjusted
D. Sitting parents down individually to discuss their current attitudes and how they can be adjusted

3. Children's heightened sensitivity to physical differences in people significantly increases between the ages of __________, a time when attitudes toward race and ethnicity are being formed.
A. 2 and 3
B. 3 and 5
C. 4 and 6
D. 5 and 7

4. Why is dramatic play a useful place to support children's thinking about racial and ethnic diversity?
A. Pretend play is a safe and natural place for children to act out things they are thinking about and interpretations of messages they receive from adults and experiences in their world.
B. Children see play as fun and entertaining, but there is little developmental value in play.
C. Children will not typically think about racial and ethnic diversity unless they are prompted to do so through adult-scripted dramatic play.
D. Children can use play to share misconceptions and assumptions.

5. Census data shows a continuing trend or rapid growth in which groups?
A. Asian and Hispanic groups
B. Hispanic groups and other groups of people of color
C. Asian groups and other groups of people of color
D. Hispanic and White groups

6. When the census gathers data on race the questionnaire generally reflects to define race:
A. socially.
B. biologically.
C. genetically.
D. anthropologically.

7. In the past few decades considerable growth in which population has been seen, especially among children?
A. Multiracial and multiethnic populations
B. Asian populations
C. Hispanic populations
D. White populations

8. When people of color are overtly or subtly denied equal access to opportunities through unchallenged policies and practices which result in preferential treatment, this is referred to as:
A. unequal opportunity.
B. traditional discrimination.
C. unchallenged bias.
D. institutionalized racism.

9. In general, changes in self-reporting on US Census reports reveal what type of trend?
A. Increases in multiracial, and racially and ethnically diverse populations across the United States.
B. Decreases in multiracial, and racially and ethnically diverse populations across the United States.
C. That the percentages of different race populations have remained relatively unchanged in the last decade.
D. That the percentages of different race populations have so drastically changed in the last decade that they cannot be measured.

10. Which is a goal of multicultural education for students who are affected by racism?
A. To develop a thick skin
B. To develop a positive self-concept
C. To develop self-control
D. To develop perseverance

11. Today's research-based understandings of race and ethnicity demonstrate:
A. a clear biological basis for race differences among humans.
B. there are more variations among groups within racial categories than across racial categories, refuting the claim of a biological basis for race.
C. that race and ethnicity don't contribute to personality, beliefs, and behaviors.
D. despite what appear to be physical differences, everyone truly is "the same on the inside."

12. An example of a critical analysis of grossly unequal outcomes in healthcare or infant mortality would be:
A. research demonstrating that people of color more often face reduced access to quality health care and lower level of care from health care providers.
B. innate health of infants of different races.
C. there isn't evidence of unequal infant mortality rates.
D. innate health of infants of one race.

13. Research indicates a child's development of prejudice occurs as an interaction effect of:
A. cognitive development and positive ideas about particular groups in the child's social environment.
B. thought processes and rule-development notions about the child's social experiences.
C. cognitive development and negative attitudes toward persons in the immediate milieu.
D. cognitive processes and pro-social patterns that adults model.

14. In what year did the US Census begin including a self-identification category of "multiracial"?
A. 1965
B. 2010
C. 2000
D. 1997

15. Which cognitive ability precedes children's later development of grouping and generalizing ability?
A. The ability to recognize labels
B. The ability to recognize foreign languages
C. The ability to recognize cultural diversity
D. The ability to recognize differences

16. Why is it important to select materials that represent diversity in recognizable and relatable scenes from familiar daily experiences?
A. Materials should represent distant places to globalize children's perspectives.
B. Though materials should be recognizable and relatable, it is actually not necessary for them to include scenes from daily experiences.
C. Only integrating images and materials from distant places can perpetuate a message that "diversity only happens in far away places" or on special occasions.
D. Materials should represent local places to globalize children's perspectives.

17. Which of the following examples honor families?
A. Focusing on the families' type of home
B. Focusing on the parent's job
C. Focusing on holiday celebrations
D. Focusing on home traditions

18. What is perpetuated when an individual does not hold racist views, but they do not promote equality in systems?
A. Racial inequality
B. Racial equality
C. Awareness
D. Colorblindness

19. Which is NOT a way to invite parents to celebrate their child's learning?
A. Using back-and-forth journals
B. Communicating only when the teacher has a concern or worry
C. Viewing slide shows of children learning
D. Sharing samples of the child's work

20. What should a teacher do when classroom discussions include race and racism?
A. Begin with open communication to the families.
B. Keep the discussion private and away from the families.
C. Discussion should be based on the teacher's values and beliefs.
D. Only children who share the teacher's viewpoints can participate.

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Dissertation: Which of the following examples honor families what is
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